On  15 Jul, this message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] echoed through cyberspace:
> Perhaps there would be value to a motion rate limiting option in the X
> server. This is not merely covering up for flawed applications.  In the
> current environment, a fast application can respond to the XMotionEvent
> faster than the events are sent.  So the fast application is performing
> the cycle of read an event, update the screen, and returning to read
> another event several times per screen refresh.  This is waste motion
> and interferes with scheduler logic.  It would make sense to specify to
> the X server that it should combine motion events for 10-20 milliseconds
> before sending another motion event.  This avoids all the scheduling and
> messaging traffic during that invisible interval.

Hmm... sync the events to a VBL interrupt?



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
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