On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 22:14, Alex Deucher wrote:
> I'm pretty unfamiliar with OpenGL programming.  I have an idea for an
> xfree module that I suspect would not be too hard to implement, but I
> wanted to get some other opinions on it.  What I'd like to do is create
> a module called perhaps ogl-xv or glx-xv that would provide a generic
> Xv adapter on the front end and on the back end would implement it
> using openGL calls to basically create an RGB or YUV texture to render
> the video to.

One problem I see is that the X server currently can't use 3D
acceleration with the DRI; that would also be a way to achieve
accelerated indirect rendering, so it would definitely be a worthwhile
project though.

> this would have the advantage of acceleration on cards with accelerated
> 3D, and would provide generic Xv support to cards lacking an overlay
> engine by using SW mesa,

But that might be slower than not using Xv at all.

> and it could provide for more than one Xv adapter, so you could
> theoretically have more than one Xv at a time.

That would certainly be nice, although one adapter seems to be enough

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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