As Keith says, we (in this case, not Keith, but my co-authors and
myself) designed XSync with the network in mind, and to avoid
both network and process scheduling latencies.

The model is that you can have a whole set of requests queued
(and transmitted to the server), blocked on a counter (the basic
abstraction).  Basically, a request says: block this
connection until the counter gets to a specified value.
 Docs are in the tree....

So when the counter (in this case, a vblank counter) increments,
the X server gets woken up, the X schedular sees that there was
a client blocked on that counter, and it can immediately execute
(one or more) request(s), already present in the input buffer of the X server.

You can also get informed the counter incremented by an event,
but that is slow: the event mechanism is mostly to (as in TCP) serve
as a clocking mechanism, so your application can know to get the next (set) of
requests to the X server for the next counter increment.

In this way, we can avoid network round trip times (and multi-process
scheduling latencies) and achieve very fine synchronization, either
between X clients or with external events (real time, or vertical sync).

All this was fully tested/debugged in the early '90's, when the UNIX
desktop died; it has been the lack of driver support that has held this
                                  - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company

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