You keep saying that the resolution can't be changed without editing the
XF86Config file, but the XFree86-Misc extension has made it possible for
years to change that setting on the fly.  It's just a matter of having
a client to interface to that extension and there are a few available,
such as the xmseconfig program that used to be distributed with XFree86.

xset does use the XFree86-Misc extension, but only for changing keyboard
settings.  There's no reason it couldn't be changed to do the same for
the mouse.
There's one problem:

The following option will set the mouse device resolution to N counts
per inch, if possible:

Option "Resolution" "N"

Not all mice and OSs can support this option. This option can be set
in the XF86Setup program.

Does anyone know where I can find out which mice and/or OS's don't support the resolution parameter? Does anyone know why this can't be supported universally? Even if it uses some hardware/os-specific feature, it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to emulate for the general case...

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