On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 11:58:31PM -0800, J. Imlay wrote:
>I am just a casual reader on this list so I could be entirly wrong about
>all this.
>I've read the thread that you started last spring, and I've been following
>this one, and I sympathize with you on the problems with the acceleration
>in X (it's down right unusable IMHO) but what I'm missing is what you are
>actually trying to get at?
>The issue was brought up last spring, and appearantly nothing was done
>about it. And the problem doesn't seem to be lack of a patch it's just
>that someone (a mystery to me as well) doesn't seem to like to apply
>patches from anyone but ... well I don't know. Only a few of the inside
>guys get to change the code at all.

I think the problem in this particular case is lack of agreement about
the nature of the pointer accleration problem and/or its solution.  If
those interested in solving the problem can discuss it here and come to
some agreement on what the true nature of the problem is, and come up
with a fix that solves it, then the code will get changed.  Churning
the code by committing each personal preference solution that gets
submitted doesn't solve the problem (and that's how I'd characterise
most of the submissions that actually contained patches that I've seen
on this topic so far).

David Dawes
Release Engineer/Architect                      The XFree86 Project
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