On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, George Gopie wrote:

> I have installed Linux Red Hat Advanced Server 2.4.9-e.3 on my intel
> server with a 64MB nvidia #DGeForce4 Mx440 series  video card. I am
> unable to get it to work with X. I have down loaded XFRee86 4.0.2  and
> installed it., but when I try to start the configuration with XFree86
> -configure i get that the Following:
> Fatal Server error:
> XFree86 has found a valid card configuration.
> Unfortunately the appropriate data has not been added to the
> xf86PciInfo.h.

 This card is relatively new and there has been no official XFree86 release
since that card has come out so there is no official release supporting
it (certainly not 4.0.2 which is two years old).  You either have
to build XFree86 from CVS or install the binary drivers from nvidia's
web site, or *maybe* replacing the /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nv_drv.o
with the one on my web page http://www.xfree86.org/~mvojkovi/nv_drv.o
will work if you start the server with the -ignoreABI option (ie.
"startx -- -ignoreABI") - that certainly works with 4.2.0, but I don't
know about 4.0.2.

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