On Sun, 29 Dec 2002, Adam Goode wrote:

> I have an SS50 mini PC from Shuttle, and it has on board SiS 6325 AGP
> video, as well as a Radeon 7500 PCI which I added.

> There are 2 versions of XFree86 which I've tried: 4.2.1-4 from Debian,
> and CVS HEAD. The only change I have made to the Debian version is
> adding the sis driver from Thomas Winischhofer
> http://www.winischhofer.net/sis/sis_drv.o_4.2.1_261102-1.tar.gz
> to get the sis card recognized. I've tried the HEAD version as is, downloaded
> yesterday.

> I am trying to get Xinerama to work, which it almost does, but then
> crashes.

> There are 2x2 configurations I'm using. One dimension is setting in my
> BIOS setup which video card is initialized as primary: ATI or SiS.
> The other dimension is the XFree86 version: Debian or HEAD.

> The only configuration which initializes all the cards and displays
> a picture across both of them is Debian-SiSPrimary. That is, I set
> the BIOS to initalize the SiS card first, and rtun the 4.2.1-4 Debian
> version. Unfortunately, this crashes very soon after I login and
> start to move windows between the two screens.

> In the other 3 configurations, I get trouble with not finding V_BIOS
> and the non-primary card doesn't get initalized at all. A quick
> table:

> Version  Primary    Result
> -----------------------------
> HEAD     SiS        SiS works, ATI driver can't find V_BIOS or init the card
> HEAD     ATI        ATI works, SiS driver can't find V_BIOS or init the card
> 4.2.1-4  SiS        Both cards work, int10 finds both V_BIOSes
> 4.2.1-4  ATI        ATI works, SiS driver can't find V_BIOS or init the card

> I'm sure something odd is happening deep with int10, and something between
> and HEAD has broken at least some previously working configurations.

> I'm attaching lspci -vvv for both configurations, with ATI as primary
> card and SiS as primary card.

> I'm also attaching all 4 XFree86 logs for the configurations in the
> table above.

> It would be nice to get int10 working to find V_BIOS in all situations.
> Any help would be appreciated, and I'll be happy to do anything necessary
> to provide information to smart int10/pci hackers.

A few thoughts here:

a) It would appear the SiS's BIOS is imbedded in the system BIOS.  Thus
   the SiS should always be the primary.
b) Did you try each of the above cases after a fresh power-down/reboot?  I
   suspect that if this is done, case 1 (HEAD/SiS) would produce the same
   results as case 3 (Debian/SiS).
c) I see no evidence of crashes in these logs.  Do you instead mean
   lockups?  Does the SiS work by itself?


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