    I try to build a tiny x from xfree86 source code .after I run make
World;make install, I startx, it seems ok,
But when I run a gtk program ,it says that   
         Gdk-WARNING **Missing charsets in FontSet creation
       Gdk-WARNING **GBK-0

The locale I use is zh_CN.gbk, so perhaps I need to install some fonts ,then
I get the true type fonts file simsun.ttf ,put it in a directory,
and run ttmkfdir>fonts.dir ,then I try to run xset +fp <this dir>, I get an

X Error of failed request: 86
  Major opcode of failed request:51 (X_SetFontPath)
  Serial number of failed request :6
  current serial number in output stream: 8

Is there any one can help me to fix this problem?
Or anyone have experience on gbk fontset in tiny x?

The host.def is below:
#define BuildDocs               NO
#define BuildFonts              NO
#define BuildServerOnly         YES
#define KDriveXServer           YES
#define TinyXServer             YES
#define XfbdevServer             YES
#define XvesaServer              YES
#define KdriveServerExtraDefines -DMAXSCREENS=1
#define BuildXInputLib          YES
#define BuildXTrueType           YES
#define XConfigDir               /etc/X11


Best regards,

Roy He
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