> Am 10.3.2021 um 08:20 schrieb Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <jerem...@apple.com>:
> Could you file a bug report for this at 
> https://github.com/XQuartz/XQuartz/issues/new


I found another issue with XQuartz: It does not start XTerms from ~/.xinitrc. I 
have now:

         74 /opt/X11/bin/xterm -T ".XinitRC" &
         75 xterm -T "`which xterm`" &
         76 /opt/local/bin/xterm -T ".XinitRC3" &
         77 env LC_NUMERIC=C /usr/local/bin/emacs-27.1.91 -geometry 
100x55+1221+167 -T 27.1.91 --debug-init -fn 'Lucida Sans 
Typewriter:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=9' &
         78 env LC_NUMERIC=C /usr/local/bin/emacs-28.0.50 -geometry  
99x66+200+234  -T 28.0.50 --debug-init -fn 'Lucida Sans 
Typewriter:autohint=true:antialias=true:size=8' &

and I also had the Emacsen before XTerm. Only the initial XTerm from 
startx/xinit is launched. X11 from MacPorts launches all 3 XTerms.

I have one more observation: From time to time, maybe when XQuartz has run for 
a minute or so and I quit, after having quit the Emacsen with Ctrl-X Ctrl-C, 
then the cursor sometimes vanishes. When I press Return or Tab it seems XTerm 
has the focus with an invisible cursor. I cannot quit XQuartz. It seems to work 
to move the (invisible) around and then click somewhere. This makes it reappear.

X11 and XQuartz show sometimes a strange behaviour. Could be it happened more 
often or solely when I quit GNU Emacs 27.1.91. The Blackbox WM seems to have 
passed the focus to XTerm – which prints endlessly cccccccccccc – until I press 
some key.

Are they worth three reports?



A blizzard is when it snows sideways.

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