Richard, while your analysis and experiences might be interesting for
some, please discuss it further in the users mailing list, where
discussion on non-development issues are welcome.

Michael, please reconsider your attitude. If you can't bring anything to
the discussion except snarky and/or unconstructive comments, please do
not post to this list.


On 15/02/14 18:34, Michael Fischer wrote:
> I had no success to find any hard market numbers on the XP->Xubuntu
> migration on non-PAE platforms so far. It seems clear, however, that
> the Xubuntu image resulting from the 12.04.4 cheat is most likely: A
> Very Good Computing Enviroment for Written-off Hardware. There is a
> market for that. An interesting one? I doubt.
> On 15.02.2014 17:05, Richard Elkins wrote:
>> USA Notes .....
>> People who survey and keep track of statistics are reporting that
>> home XP users have been and still are taking the easy technological
>> route of upgrading to 7, either legally or illegally.  I doubt if
>> many home Windows users are thinking about GNU/Linux at all. 
>> Resistance to change and expense is at play.
>> Hardly anyone realizes that their Android phones are running a Linux
>> kernel.  This is similar to the fact that MacOS and iOS users do not
>> realize that their machines are running an offshoot of BSD Unix. 
>> People just look at the eye candy and believe that this is the "system".
>> Commercial use is a different story.  Many businesses are buying new
>> or converting to Linux.  Faster, more secure, and not more expensive
>> than Windows.  IBM and Redhat have benefited hugely from this
>> continuing trend.  The commercial desktops, however, are upgraded
>> from XP to 7 "enterprise edition".  Corporate America is locked into
>> Microsoft Office and Exchange for the foreseeable future.
>> Ask anyone on the street in America "what is Linux" and you'll
>> usually get a blank look.  I often have trouble in social situations
>> explaining what I do.
>> For Linux and BSD Unix users and fans, there is still a tall mountain
>> to climb, especially in communications.
>> Richard the pessimist (sometimes)

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                      »
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu       »
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

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