You're right - sloppy wording on my part. More accurate would be "for-terminal-use". For example, $PS1 and other terminal related stuff. That is,things I want set typically for all terminal instances.

That's based on the bash manpage I read somewhere back on Solaris years ago. It said that .bashrc was sourced upon shell invocation whereas .bash_profile was sourced only at login. For my purposes that essentially made .bashrc work for terminal sessions. For others it might be different. Like I said you'll see different approaches.

... man, that was tough to type on my phone, with dot file names and auto correct / auto predict! :-)

Len Philpot
Sent from my Android phone using AqualMail Pro

On January 8, 2017 10:11:57 AM Ulli Horlacher <> wrote:

On Sun 2017-01-08 (10:02), Len Philpot wrote:

For bash, I usually put per-terminal-instance values in ~/.bashrc

No good idea, because *every* bash subshell will execute ~/.bashrc, not
only when you start a new terminal program!

You can see it, when you add the line
echo executing ~/.bashrc
into your ~/.bashrc

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail:
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