On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 05:02:20PM +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 05/20/2017 06:05 PM, Chris Green wrote:
> > [..]
> > But you *still* haven't actually understood my problem!  :-)
> Don't fret :-) It has sometimes taken me a year or more to make myself
> plain...
> > In the past (i.e. previous xubuntu installations) whenever the system
> > decided it was time to do a disk check automatically it would do the
> > disk check *and* put a message up on the GUI to say what was
> > happening.  This no longer seems to happen, the system just displays
> > the xubuntu logo for a *very* long time (if it's my 3Tb disk being
> > checked) with no indication as to why it appears to be doing nothing.
> That's the key. The boot process no longer tells the user what's going on.
> Part of the problem is that the "old" method basically scrolled a
> console log of what went into dmesg, and this was putting new users off,
> who just wanted to see a logo while it booted.
No, it always used to put a message up *on the GUI*, I'm not talking
about messages on the text mode console.

> Like most cosmetic changes, it has gone too far and now te
> lls the user absolutely nothing at all. The correct solution is probably
> some way between these two extremes.
> > Mine is a fast modern machine but it still takes a *long* time for
> > fsck to check a 3Tb disk drive - like 20 or 30 minutes.
> I think the point being made earlier (which misled some readers into
> thinking that fsck was the topic) was that fsck should be an extreme
> rarity, something that only happens when the machine has been shut down
> suddenly, or on a scheduled but very sparse timescale. Yes, 3TB will
> take a long time, but for the output to be suppressed (by initrd?) is a
> poor design choice and should be reversed.
The default is every 24 reboots isn't it, hardly "extreme rarity".

> On 05/21/2017 01:56 PM, Joao Monteiro wrote:
> > One sure way I have learnt to check if the system is hung or just
> > slowly mawling whatever it is doing, is by looking at the Hard Disk
> > indicator light on the machine;
> Good advice...if the system has one. Increasingly, these are no longer
> being fitted. Which makes it all the more important that the boot
> process tells the user what it's doing AT ALL TIMES, not just when
> something long is expected.
Not really very useful, I've had hardware faults that leave the disk
activity light on.

Chris Green

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