Replacing while loops with switch statements for the "extra bytes"
also yields a small improvement. Pulling that common logic out into a
utility method negates most of the benefit.
Here is the updated ArrayUtil class.

package org.tukaani.xz.common;

import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Utilities for optimized array interactions.
 * <p>
 * The means of comparing arrays can be controlled by setting the sytem property
 * {@code org.tukaani.xz.ArrayComparison} to a value from {@link
 * </p>
 * @author Brett Okken
public final class ArrayUtil {

     * Enumerated options for controlling implementation of how to
compare arrays.
    public static enum ArrayComparison {
         * Uses {@code VarHandle} for {@code int[]} access.
         * <p>
         * This is default behavior on jdk9+ for 32 bit x86.
         * </p>
         * Uses {@code VarHandle} for {@code int[]} access after attempting
         * to align the reads on 4 byte boundaries.
         * Uses {@code VarHandle} for {@code long[]} access.
         * <p>
         * This is default behavior on jdk9+ for 64 bit x86.
         * </p>
         * Uses {@code VarHandle} for {@code long[]} access after attempting
         * to align the reads.
         * Uses {@code Arrays.mismatch()} to perform vectorized comparison.
         * <p>
         * This is default behavior on jdk9+ for non-x86.
         * </p>
         * Uses {@code sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt()} for unaligned {@code int[]}
         * access.
         * <p>
         * This is default behavior on jdk 8 and prior for 32 bit x86.
         * </p>
         * Uses {@code sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong()} for unaligned {@code long[]}
         * access.
         * <p>
         * This is default behavior on jdk 8 and prior for 64 bit x86.
         * </p>
         * Performs byte-by-byte comparison.

        static ArrayComparison getFromProperty(String prop) {
            if (prop == null || prop.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            try {
                return ArrayComparison.valueOf(prop.toUpperCase(Locale.US));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                final Logger logger =
                           "Invalid ArrayComparison option, using
default behavior",
                return null;

     * MethodHandle to the actual mismatch method to use at runtime.
    private static final MethodHandle MISMATCH;

     * The method this is bound to at runtime is depends on the chosen
     * implementation for {@code byte[]} comparison.
     * <p>
     * For {@code long} based comparisons, it will be bound to either
     * {@link Long#numberOfLeadingZeros(long)} or
     * {@link Long#numberOfTrailingZeros(long)} depending on
     * {@link ByteOrder#nativeOrder()}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For {@code int} based comparisons it will be bound to either
     * {@link Integer#numberOfLeadingZeros(int)} or
     * {@link Integer#numberOfTrailingZeros(int)} depending on
     * {@link ByteOrder#nativeOrder()}.
     * </p>
    private static final MethodHandle LEADING_ZEROS;

     * Populated from reflected read of
     * {@code sun.misc.Unsafe.ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET} if one of the unsafe
     * implementations is used.
    private static final long ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET;

     * The method this is bound to at runtime is depends on the chosen
     * implementation for {@code byte[]} comparison.
     * <p>
     * For {@link ArrayComparison#VECTOR} and
     * {@link ArrayComparison#LEGACY} this will be {@code null}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For {@link ArrayComparison#VH_INT} and {@link
     * this will be a jdk 9+ {@code byteArrayViewVarHandle} for {@code int[]}
     * using the {@link ByteOrder#nativeOrder()}. The method signature is
     * {@code int get(byte[], int)}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For {@link ArrayComparison#VH_LONG} and {@link
     * this will be a jdk 9+ {@code byteArrayViewVarHandle} for {@code long[]}
     * using the {@link ByteOrder#nativeOrder()}. The method signature is
     * {@code long get(byte[], int)}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For {@link ArrayComparison#UNSAFE_GET_INT} this is bound to
     * {@code sun.misc.Unsafe.getInt(Object, long)}.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For {@link ArrayComparison#UNSAFE_GET_LONG} this is bound to
     * {@code sun.misc.Unsafe.getLong(Object, long)}.
     * </p>
    private static final MethodHandle GET_PRIMITIVE;

     * MethodHandle to the jdk 9+
     * {@code Arrays.mismatch(byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int aToIndex,
byte[] b, int bFromIndex, int bToIndex)}.
    private static final MethodHandle ARRAYS_MISMATCH;

    static {
        final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArrayUtil.class.getName());
        MethodHandle leadingZeros = null;
        MethodHandle getPrimitive = null;
        MethodHandle arraysMismatch = null;
        long arrayBaseOffset = 0;
        MethodHandle mismatch = null;
        final MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
        final MethodType mismatchType = methodType(
            int.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class, int.class);
        try {
            final Properties props = System.getProperties();
            final ArrayComparison algo = ArrayComparison.getFromProperty(

            final String arch = props.getProperty("os.arch", "");
            final boolean unaligned =

            //if unaligned, or explicitly configured, try VarHandles
            if ((unaligned && algo == null)
                    || algo == ArrayComparison.VH_LONG
                    || algo == ArrayComparison.VH_LONG_ALIGN
                    || algo == ArrayComparison.VH_INT
                    || algo == ArrayComparison.VH_INT_ALIGN) {
                try {
                    final Class<?> varHandleClazz =
                        Class.forName("java.lang.invoke.VarHandle", true, null);
                    final Method byteArrayViewHandle =

Class[] {Class.class,


                    final boolean doLong = (algo == null && arch.contains("64"))
                                           || algo == ArrayComparison.VH_LONG
                                           || algo ==

                    final Object varHandle =
                                                   doLong ?
long[].class : int[].class,
                    final Class<?> accessModeEnum =

Class.forName("java.lang.invoke.VarHandle$AccessMode", true, null);
                    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
                    final Object getAccessModeEnum =
                        Enum.valueOf((Class)accessModeEnum, "GET");
                    final Method toMethodHandle =

varHandleClazz.getDeclaredMethod("toMethodHandle", accessModeEnum);
                    getPrimitive =
toMethodHandle.invoke(varHandle, getAccessModeEnum);

                    //the primitive will be in platform byte order.
the concept of "leading
                    //zeros" being bytes in encounter order is true
for big endian
                    //for little endian platform, the trailing zeros
gives the encounter order result
                    leadingZeros = lookup.findStatic(doLong?
Long.class : Integer.class,

ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN == ByteOrder.nativeOrder()
"numberOfLeadingZeros" : "numberOfTrailingZeros",

methodType(int.class, doLong ? long.class : int.class));

                    final String mismatchMethod;
                    if (doLong) {
                        mismatchMethod = algo == null || algo ==
                                ? "varHandleMismatch" :
                        logger.finest("byte[] comparison using long VarHandle");
                    } else {
                        mismatchMethod = algo == null || algo ==
                                ? "intVarHandleMismatch" :
                        logger.finest("byte[] comparison using int VarHandle");

                    mismatch =
mismatchMethod, mismatchType);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                               "failed trying to load a MethodHandle
to invoke get on a byteArrayViewVarHandle",
                    mismatch = null;

            if (mismatch == null && ((!unaligned && algo == null)
                                     || algo == ArrayComparison.VECTOR)) {
                try {
                    final MethodType arraysType =
methodType(int.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class,

 byte[].class, int.class, int.class);
                    arraysMismatch = lookup.findStatic(Arrays.class,
"mismatch", arraysType);
                    mismatch =
"arraysMismatch", mismatchType);
                    logger.finest("byte[] comparisons using Arrays.mismatch");
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                               "failed trying to load a MethodHandle
to invoke Arrays.mismatch",
                    arraysMismatch = null;

            //if byteArrayViewVarHandle for a long[] could not be loaded, then
            //try to load sun.misc.Unsafe for unaligned archs only
            if (mismatch == null && ((unaligned && algo == null)
                                     || algo == ArrayComparison.UNSAFE_GET_LONG
                                     || algo ==
ArrayComparison.UNSAFE_GET_INT)) {
                Class<?> unsafeClazz =
Class.forName("sun.misc.Unsafe", true, null);
                Constructor<?> unsafeConstructor =
                Object unsafe = unsafeConstructor.newInstance();

                arrayBaseOffset = unsafeClazz.getField("ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET")

                if (algo == ArrayComparison.UNSAFE_GET_LONG || (algo
== null && arch.contains("64"))) {
                    leadingZeros = lookup.findStatic(Long.class,

ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN == ByteOrder.nativeOrder()
"numberOfLeadingZeros" : "numberOfTrailingZeros",

methodType(int.class, long.class));

                    MethodHandle virtualGetLong = lookup.findVirtual(
                        unsafeClazz, "getLong", methodType(long.class,
Object.class, long.class));
                    getPrimitive = virtualGetLong.bindTo(unsafe);

                    // do a test read to confirm unsafe is actually functioning
                    long val = (long) getPrimitive.invokeExact(
                        (Object) new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
}, arrayBaseOffset + 0L);
                    if (val != 0) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("invalid
value: " + val);
                    mismatch = lookup.findStatic(ArrayUtil.class,
"unsafeMismatch", mismatchType);
                    logger.finest("byte[] comparisons using Unsafe.getLong");
                } else {
                    leadingZeros = lookup.findStatic(Integer.class,

ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN == ByteOrder.nativeOrder()
"numberOfLeadingZeros" : "numberOfTrailingZeros",

methodType(int.class, int.class));

                    MethodHandle virtualGetInt = lookup.findVirtual(
                        unsafeClazz, "getInt", methodType(int.class,
Object.class, long.class));
                    getPrimitive = virtualGetInt.bindTo(unsafe);

                    // do a test read to confirm unsafe is actually functioning
                    int val = (int) getPrimitive.invokeExact(
                        (Object) new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
arrayBaseOffset + 0L);
                    if (val != 0) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("invalid
value: " + val);
                    mismatch = lookup.findStatic(ArrayUtil.class,
"intUnsafeMismatch", mismatchType);
                    logger.finest("byte[] comparisons using Unsafe.getInt");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "failed trying to load means to
compare byte[] by longs", t);
        if (mismatch == null) {
            getPrimitive = null;
            leadingZeros = null;
            arraysMismatch = null;
            logger.finest("byte[] comparisons byte by byte");
            try {
                mismatch = lookup.findStatic(ArrayUtil.class,
"legacyMismatch", mismatchType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

        GET_PRIMITIVE = getPrimitive;
        ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = arrayBaseOffset;
        LEADING_ZEROS = leadingZeros;
        ARRAYS_MISMATCH = arraysMismatch;
        MISMATCH = mismatch;

     * Compares the values in <i>bytes</i>, starting at <i>aFromIndex</i> and
     * <i>bFromIndex</i> and returns the zero-based index of the first
     * {@code byte} which differs.
     * @param bytes The {@code byte[]} for comparison.
     * @param aFromIndex The first offset into <i>bytes</i> to start
reading from.
     * @param bFromIndex The second offset into <i>bytes</i> to start
reading from.
     * @param length The number of bytes to compare.
     * @return The offset from the starting indexes of the first byte
which differs.
     *     If all match, <i>length</i> will be returned.
    public static int mismatch(
            byte[] bytes, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length) {
       try {
          return (int) MISMATCH.invokeExact(bytes, aFromIndex,
bFromIndex, length);
       } catch (RuntimeException e) {
           throw e;
       } catch (Error e) {
           throw e;
       } catch (Throwable t) {
           throw new RuntimeException(t);

     * If <i>aFromIndex</i> and <i>bFromIndex</i> are similarly
mis-aligned, will
     * do single byte comparisons to obtain alignment, then call
     * {@link #varHandleMismatch(byte[], int, byte[], int, int)}.
    private static int alignedVarHandleMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //while we could do an index check, the VarHandle call
incorporates a check,
        //making any check here duplicative
        int aFromAlignment = aFromIndex & 7;
        int bFromAlignment = bFromIndex & 7;

        //if they are aligned, just go
        if (aFromAlignment == 0 && bFromAlignment == 0) {
            return varHandleMismatch(a, aFromIndex, bFromIndex, length);

        int i=0;
        //if both are similarly out of alignment, adjust
        if (aFromAlignment == bFromAlignment) {
            for (int j = Math.min(8 - aFromAlignment, length); i < j; ++i) {
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i]) {
                    return i;
        } else if ((aFromAlignment & 1) == 1 && (bFromAlignment & 1) == 1) {
            //if they both have an odd alignment, adjust by one
            if (a[aFromIndex] != a[bFromIndex]) {
                return 0;
        return i + varHandleMismatch(a, aFromIndex + i, bFromIndex +
i, length - i);

     * Uses {@link #VAR_HANDLE_GET_LONG} to compare 8 bytes at a time.
    private static int varHandleMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //while we could do an index check, the VarHandle call
incorporates a check,
        //making any check here duplicative
        int i=0;
        for (int j=length-7; i<j; i+=8) {
            final long aVal = (long) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact(a,
aFromIndex + i);
            final long bVal = (long) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact(a,
bFromIndex + i);
            if (aVal != bVal) {
                //this returns a value where bits which match are 0
and bits which
                //differ are 1
                final long diff = aVal ^ bVal;
                //the first (in native byte order) bit which differs
tells us which
                //byte differed
                final int leadingZeros = (int) LEADING_ZEROS.invokeExact(diff);
                return Math.min(i + (leadingZeros >>> 3), length);

        int result = length;
        switch(length & 7) {
            case 7:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 6] != a[bFromIndex + i + 6])
                    result = i + 6;
            case 6:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 5] != a[bFromIndex + i + 5])
                    result = i + 5;
            case 5:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 4] != a[bFromIndex + i + 4])
                    result = i + 4;
            case 4:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 3] != a[bFromIndex + i + 3])
                    result = i + 3;
            case 3:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                    result = i + 2;
            case 2:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                    result = i + 1;
            case 1:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                    result = i;
        return result;

     * If <i>aFromIndex</i> and <i>bFromIndex</i> are similarly
mis-aligned, will
     * do single byte comparisons to obtain alignment, then call
     * {@link #intVarHandleMismatch(byte[], int, byte[], int, int)}.
    private static int alignedIntVarHandleMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //while we could do an index check, the VarHandle call
incorporates a check,
        //making any check here duplicative
        int aFromAlignment = aFromIndex & 3;
        int bFromAlignment = bFromIndex & 3;

        //if they are aligned, just go
        if (aFromAlignment == 0 && bFromAlignment == 0) {
            return intVarHandleMismatch(a, aFromIndex, bFromIndex, length);

        int i=0;
        //if both are similarly out of alignment, adjust
        if (aFromAlignment == bFromAlignment) {
            for (int j=Math.min(4 - aFromAlignment, length); i<j; ++i) {
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i]) {
                    return i;
        } else if ((aFromAlignment & 1) == 1 && (bFromAlignment & 1) == 1) {
            //if they both have an odd alignment, adjust by one
            if (a[aFromIndex] != a[bFromIndex]) {
                return 0;
        return i + intVarHandleMismatch(a, aFromIndex + i, bFromIndex
+ i, length - i);

     * Uses {@link #VAR_HANDLE_GET_INT} to compare 4 bytes at a time.
    private static int intVarHandleMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //while we could do an index check, the VarHandle call
incorporates a check,
        //making any check here duplicative
        int i=0;
        for (int j=length-3; i<j; i+=4) {
            final int aVal = (int) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact(a, aFromIndex + i);
            final int bVal = (int) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact(a, bFromIndex + i);
            if (aVal != bVal) {
                //this returns a value where bits which match are 0
and bits which
                //differ are 1
                final int diff = aVal ^ bVal;
                //the first (in native byte order) bit which differs tells us
                //which byte differed
                final int leadingZeros = (int) LEADING_ZEROS.invokeExact(diff);
                return Math.min(i + (leadingZeros >>> 3), length);

        int result = length;
        switch(length & 3) {
            case 3:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                    result = i + 2;
            case 2:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                    result = i + 1;
            case 1:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                    result = i;
        return result;

     * Uses {@code UNSAFE_GET_LONG} to compare 8 bytes at a time.
    private static int unsafeMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //it is important to check the indexes prior to making the Unsafe calls,
        //as Unsafe does not validate and could result in SIGSEGV if
out of bounds
        if (length < 0 || aFromIndex < 0 || bFromIndex < 0
                || Math.max(aFromIndex, bFromIndex) > a.length - length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        int i=0;
        for (int j=length-7; i<j; i+=8) {
            final long aVal = (long)
GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact((Object) a, ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + aFromIndex +
            final long bVal = (long)
GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact((Object) a, ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + bFromIndex +
            if (aVal != bVal) {
                //this returns a value where bits which match are 0
and bits which differ are 1
                final long diff = aVal ^ bVal;
                //the first (in native byte order) bit which differs
tells us which byte differed
                final int leadingZeros = (int) LEADING_ZEROS.invokeExact(diff);
                return i + (leadingZeros >>> 3);

        int result = length;
        switch(length & 7) {
            case 7:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 6] != a[bFromIndex + i + 6])
                    result = i + 6;
            case 6:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 5] != a[bFromIndex + i + 5])
                    result = i + 5;
            case 5:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 4] != a[bFromIndex + i + 4])
                    result = i + 4;
            case 4:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 3] != a[bFromIndex + i + 3])
                    result = i + 3;
            case 3:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                    result = i + 2;
            case 2:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                    result = i + 1;
            case 1:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                    result = i;
        return result;

     * Uses {@code UNSAFE_GET_LONG} to compare 8 bytes at a time.
    private static int intUnsafeMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        //it is important to check the indexes prior to making the Unsafe calls,
        //as Unsafe does not validate and could result in SIGSEGV if
out of bounds
        if (length < 0 || aFromIndex < 0 || bFromIndex < 0
                || Math.max(aFromIndex, bFromIndex) > a.length - length) {
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
        int i=0;
        for (int j=length-3; i<j; i+=4) {
            final int aVal = (int) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact((Object)
a, ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + aFromIndex + i);
            final int bVal = (int) GET_PRIMITIVE.invokeExact((Object)
a, ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET + bFromIndex + i);
            if (aVal != bVal) {
                //this returns a value where bits which match are 0
and bits which
                //differ are 1
                final int diff = aVal ^ bVal;
                //the first (in native byte order) bit which differs tells us
                //which byte differed
                final int leadingZeros = (int) LEADING_ZEROS.invokeExact(diff);
                return i + (leadingZeros >>> 3);

        int result = length;
        switch(length & 3) {
            case 3:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                    result = i + 2;
            case 2:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                    result = i + 1;
            case 1:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                    result = i;
        return result;

     * Uses {@code ARRAYS_MISMATCH} to compare <i>a</i> and <i>b</i>.
    private static int arraysMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length)
throws Throwable {
        final int m = (int) ARRAYS_MISMATCH.invokeExact(a, aFromIndex,
aFromIndex + length,
                                                        a, bFromIndex,
bFromIndex + length);
        return m == -1 ? length : m;

     * Simply loops over all of the bytes, comparing one at a time.
    private static int legacyMismatch(
            byte[] a, int aFromIndex, int bFromIndex, int length) {
        int i=0;
        for (int j=length - 7; i<j; i+=8) {
            if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                return i;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                return i + 1;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                return i + 2;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 3] != a[bFromIndex + i + 3])
                return i + 3;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 4] != a[bFromIndex + i + 4])
                return i + 4;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 5] != a[bFromIndex + i + 5])
                return i + 5;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 6] != a[bFromIndex + i + 6])
                return i + 6;
            if (a[aFromIndex + i + 7] != a[bFromIndex + i + 7])
                return i + 7;

        int result = length;
        switch(length & 7) {
            case 7:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 6] != a[bFromIndex + i + 6])
                    result = i + 6;
            case 6:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 5] != a[bFromIndex + i + 5])
                    result = i + 5;
            case 5:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 4] != a[bFromIndex + i + 4])
                    result = i + 4;
            case 4:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 3] != a[bFromIndex + i + 3])
                    result = i + 3;
            case 3:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 2] != a[bFromIndex + i + 2])
                    result = i + 2;
            case 2:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i + 1] != a[bFromIndex + i + 1])
                    result = i + 1;
            case 1:
                if (a[aFromIndex + i] != a[bFromIndex + i])
                    result = i;
        return result;

    private ArrayUtil() {

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