> Thanks! Ideally there would be one commit to add the minimal portable
> version, then separate commits for each optimized variant.

Would you like me to remove the Unsafe based impl from

> So far I have given it only a quick try. array_comp_incremental seems
> faster than xz-java.git master. Compression time was reduced by about
> 10 %. :-) This is with OpenJDK 21.0.2, only a quick test, and my
> computer is old so I don't doubt your higher numbers.

How are you testing? I am using jmh, so it has a warm up period before
actually measuring, giving the jvm plenty of opportunity to perform
optimizations. If you are doing single shot executions to compress a
file, that could provide pretty different results.

> With array_comparison_performance the improvement seems to be less,
> maybe 5 %. I didn't test much yet but it still seems clear that
> array_comp_incremental is faster on my computer.

Going back to the previous question, this could be due to fact that I
collapsed some class hierarchy in the _incremental pr. This could take
the optimizer a bit longer to figure out.

> However, your code produces different output compared to xz-java.git
> master so the speed comparison isn't entirely fair. I assume there was
> no intent to affect the encoder output with these changes so I wonder
> what is going on. Both of your branches produce the same output so it's
> something common between them that makes the difference.

This was definitely not the intent, and I had not noticed this previously.

With the 3 files I test with, none have any difference with preset of
3. The smallest file (ihe_ovly_pr.cm) also has no difference at preset

With the ~25MB image1.dcm (mostly a greyscale bmp), the PR versions
produce more compressed content at preset 6.
1.9 = 4,041,476
PR = 4,004,156

There is a smaller difference with the ~50MB xml file, but strangely,
the PR version is slightly bigger.
1.9 = 1,589,512
PR = 1,589,564

Given that I am only seeing differences with preset of 6, I am
guessing the difference must be in BT4.
The result still seems to be valid (at least the java XZInputStream
reads it back correctly).
There is clearly a subtle "defect" somewhere, but I cannot tell if it
is in the current trunk or the PR. My best guess is that there is an
off by 1 error in one or the other.


On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 11:35 AM Lasse Collin <lasse.col...@tukaani.org> wrote:
> On 2024-02-25 Brett Okken wrote:
> > I created https://github.com/tukaani-project/xz-java/pull/13 with the
> > bare bones changes to utilize a utility for array comparisons and an
> > Unsafe implementation.
> > When/if that is reviewed and approved, we can move on through the
> > other implementation options.
> Thanks! Ideally there would be one commit to add the minimal portable
> version, then separate commits for each optimized variant.
> So far I have given it only a quick try. array_comp_incremental seems
> faster than xz-java.git master. Compression time was reduced by about
> 10 %. :-) This is with OpenJDK 21.0.2, only a quick test, and my
> computer is old so I don't doubt your higher numbers.
> With array_comparison_performance the improvement seems to be less,
> maybe 5 %. I didn't test much yet but it still seems clear that
> array_comp_incremental is faster on my computer.
> However, your code produces different output compared to xz-java.git
> master so the speed comparison isn't entirely fair. I assume there was
> no intent to affect the encoder output with these changes so I wonder
> what is going on. Both of your branches produce the same output so it's
> something common between them that makes the difference.
> I plan to get back to this next week.
> > > One thing I wonder is if JNI could help.
> >
> > It would most likely make things faster, but also more complicated. I
> > like the java version for the simplicity. I am not necessarily looking
> > to compete with native performance, but would like to get improvements
> > where they are reasonably available. Here there is some complexity in
> > supporting multiple implementations for different versions and/or
> > architectures, but that complexity does not intrude into the core of
> > the xz code.
> I think your thoughts are similar to mine here. Java version is clearly
> slower but it's nicer code to read too. A separate class for buffer
> comparisons indeed doesn't hurt the readability of the core code.
> On the other hand, if Java version happened to be used a lot then JNI
> could save both time (up to 50 %) and even electricity. java.util.zip
> uses native zlib for the performance-critical code.
> In the long run both faster Java code and JNI might be worth doing.
> There's more than enough pure Java stuff to do for now so any JNI
> thoughts have to wait.
> --
> Lasse Collin

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