Saludos Luis!

Un abraso desde un Borinqueño celebrando la belleza de La Vida con
usted y amistades!

Ok.  In answer to your question it is best to access a public server
close to your country so that the download is bearable.  Two ways to
get this done.  Modify yum so that it points to those servers, and
let it do the work for you (finding all the dependencies, etc.) or
you can download the package directly from the public server yourself.

First option:  modifying yum.  Yum has gone through some changes over
time but if you follow the instructions posted here you should be ok.
Here's the link:

The information there is compressed so it is easy to miss.  The
reference regarding yum.repos.d for instance means that within
/etc (the etc directory) you should find /yum.repos.d (the yum.repos.d
directory).  Within /yum.repos.d should be the other files
including yellowdog-base.repo.  Each distinct file must point to the
correct public server; this means that the directories listed in
each file must exactly reflect the actual directories on the
public server which you want yum to access.  Following this method,
if you are going to add a server in each file, you must of course,
write into each file that server's directory structure for ydl 6.1
correctly -- a total of three times.

The old way modify yum to do the same thing is to modify yum.conf
which is also within /etc.  You still have to write the directory out
correctly three times, but this time you are only modifying yum.conf
-- one file.  The only thing you save may be your temper and
maybe avoid writer's cramp.  Which method you choose is up to you,
but the current way of doing it -- the harder way -- actually helps
keep yum secure, although explaining how is beyond this note.

I'm going to imagine that you understand this and present to you a
link to where you can find public servers for ydl.  They are here:

Scroll down that page and you'll see the available public mirrors.
I recommend you view/visit the public mirror you think you will use
and learn how it's set up for yellowdog first before you decide to
modify yum.  Work on yum after you have a clear idea of how the
directories are ordered within that server for ydl 6.1.  Keep in mind
that although different versions of ydl are ordered the same within
one server -- different servers may have different directory
structures/order in which ydl 6.1 resides.

I'm going to imagine that all the above has been done and you are
ready for yum to find and install Blender for you.  How do you do
that?  Here is the really simple part, after you endured all
the above:

#yum install "*blender*"

That's it!  Really.  Te le judo!  I promise you.  Ironic, isn't it?

The * are wildcards which tells yum to find any other package of
software associated with blender.  Yum will find them and sort out
all their dependencies and blender's dependencies at the same time.
The result will be studio quality software on your ydl box.  Just so
you get the feeling you are actually doing something -- after all yum
did the real work anyway -- I would recommend a decent text which
uses and discusses blender in some length.  Towards that end I
recommend two books by Norman Lin, they are:
Linux 3D Graphics Programming and Advanced Linux 3D Graphics

Without yum, you'll be downloading Blender components and
dependencies and dependencies of those dependencies one at a time and
you will risk missing something.  Just thought I'd let you know both
that the "easy" and "hard" way in reference to Blender is a matter of
interpretation, but if I were you I'd get to work with a Corona or
Dos XX on the side and get yum ready to search and download from
various servers.

As for me, I don't have a preference; I enjoy them both. One day one,
then I swap and do the other some days later.  I refer to Dos XX and
Corona, of course.

Buena Suerte y recuerdas a engosarse algún tiempo...

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:32:00 -0500
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <> wrote:

> Hi @ll,
> I wonder if anyone has the blender rpm for yd6.1
> LD

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