Le mercredi 26 août 2009 23:53:14, Derick Centeno a écrit :
> Unfortunately Luis the only language I know besides English is
> Spanish.  Your server is in France or a French country?
> I'll make a stronger effort to clarify my English for your benefit.
> Also I want to recommend Google Translate which allows fairly good
> translation between Spanish, French and English.
> To our communications problem: Those files in yum.repos.d are
> instructions to yum in which servers on the web to look for rpms in.
> Those files do not contain the rpms themselves.  If you open one of
> the files (with a text editor) you will see that it is very much like
> the example link I referred to you.
> The reason you got no response from your system is because blender is
> not installed on your computer. yum can search servers on the web
> external to your computer and compare what is there with what you
> have on your hard-drive and inform you whether it is installed or not.
> I executed the same command you used, on my own system.  Here is the
> result:
> [r...@arakus aguila]# yum list|grep -i blender
> blender.ppc                              2.45-17.el5
> installed [r...@arakus aguila]#
> Your computer responded as it did because yum discovered that blender
> is not present and so it represented the non-presence of blender by
> reporting nothing.  I'm using YDL 6.2.  However I know that blender
> is part of the package of software available for YDL 6.1 because I
> also used YDL 6.1 and other earlier versions of YDL.
> I'm going to execute running yum to list and provide information
> regarding blender.  I'll share the results here and I'd like you on
> your system to run the same sequence of commands I did.  Ok?
> Here goes:
> [agu...@arakus ~]$ su
> Password:
> [r...@arakus aguila]# yum info "*blender*"
> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
> base              100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
> updates           100% |=========================|  951 B 
> extras            100% |=========================|  951 B 00:00
> Installed Packages Name   : blender Arch   : ppc Version: 2.45
> Release: 17.el5
> Size   : 27 M
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
> Description:
> Blender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from
> modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive
> creation and playback.
> Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish
> stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and
> other media.
> This version doesn't contains ffmpeg support.
> [r...@arakus aguila]#
> The above is how yum responded to my command to inform me something
> about blender.  If you execute the same command you will get the same
> result.  You don't have to be in yum.repos.d to execute yum.
> Here is another command to yum to find blender and anything else
> associated with blender:
> [r...@arakus aguila]# yum search blender
> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
> blender.ppc                              2.45-17.el5
> extras Matched from:
> blender
> Blender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from
> modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive
> creation and playback.
> Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish
> stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and
> other media.
> This version doesn't contains ffmpeg support.
> http://www.blender.org
> blender.ppc                              2.45-17.el5
> installed Matched from:
> blender
> Blender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from
> modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive
> creation and playback.
> Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish
> stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and
> other media.
> This version doesn't contains ffmpeg support.
> http://www.blender.org
> [r...@arakus aguila]#
> yum is telling me that it found blender available on a remote server
> that is external, not part of my computer system.  And it is
> reporting that blender is installed on my computer.
> Now I'll tell yum to do something more complex.  I want yum to look
> for any package available for YDL 6.2 which contain the letters
> ble.  Logically this should include blender.  Here is how yum
> performs:
> [r...@arakus aguila]# yum info "*ble*"
> Loading "installonlyn" plugin
> Installed Packages
> Name   : arptables_jf
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.0.8
> Release: 8
> Size   : 207 k
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: Userspace control program for the arptables network filter.
> Description:
> The arptables_jf utility controls the arpfilter network packet
> filtering code in the Linux kernel.  You do not need this program for
> normal network firewalling.  If you need to manually control which arp
> requests and/or replies this machine accepts and sends, you should
> install this package.
> Name   : blender
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 2.45
> Release: 17.el5
> Size   : 27 M
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: 3D modeling, animation, rendering and post-production
> Description:
> Blender is the essential software solution you need for 3D, from
> modeling, animation, rendering and post-production to interactive
> creation and playback.
> Professionals and novices can easily and inexpensively publish
> stand-alone, secure, multi-platform content to the web, CD-ROMs, and
> other media.
> This version doesn't contains ffmpeg support.
> Name   : iptables
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 1.3.5
> Release: 1.2.1
> Size   : 905 k
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering
> capabilities.
> Description:
> The iptables utility controls the network packet filtering code in the
> Linux kernel. If you need to set up firewalls and/or IP masquerading,
> you should install this package.
> Name   : iptables-ipv6
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 1.3.5
> Release: 1.2.1
> Size   : 471 k
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: IPv6 support for iptables.
> Description:
> The iptables package contains IPv6 (the next version of the IP
> protocol) support for iptables. Iptables controls the Linux kernel
> network packet filtering code, allowing you to set up firewalls and IP
> masquerading.
> Install iptables-ipv6 if you need to set up firewalling for your
> network and you are using ipv6.
> Name   : setroubleshoot
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 2.0.5
> Release: 3
> Size   : 314 k
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: Helps troubleshoot SELinux problems
> Description:
> Provides tools to help diagnose SELinux problems. When AVC messages
> are generated an alert can be generated that will give information
> about the problem and help track its resolution. Alerts can be
> configured to user preference. The same tools can be run on existing
> log files.
> Name   : setroubleshoot-plugins
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 2.0.4
> Release: 2
> Size   : 1.7 M
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
> Description:
> This package provides a set of analysis plugins for use with
> setroubleshoot. Each plugin has the capacity to analyze SELinux AVC
> data and system data to provide user friendly reports describing how
> to interpret SELinux AVC denials.
> Name   : setroubleshoot-server
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 2.0.5
> Release: 3
> Size   : 2.1 M
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: SELinux troubleshoot server
> Description:
> Provides tools to help diagnose SELinux problems. When AVC messages
> are generated an alert can be generated that will give information
> about the problem and help track its resolution. Alerts can be
> configured to user preference. The same tools can be run on existing
> log files.
> Name   : squid
> Arch   : ppc
> Epoch  : 7
> Version: 2.6.STABLE21
> Release: 3
> Size   : 3.8 M
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: The Squid proxy caching server.
> Description:
> Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for Web clients,
> supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
> caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single,
> non-blocking, I/O-driven process. Squid keeps meta data and especially
> hot objects cached in RAM, caches DNS lookups, supports non-blocking
> DNS lookups, and implements negative caching of failed requests.
> Squid consists of a main server program squid, a Domain Name System
> lookup program (dnsserver), a program for retrieving FTP data
> (ftpget), and some management and client tools.
> Name   : tktable
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 2.9
> Release: 10.el5
> Size   : 336 k
> Repo   : installed
> Summary: Table/matrix widget extension to Tcl/Tk
> Description:
> Tktable provides a table/matrix widget for Tk programs. Features:
> multi-line cells, embedded windows, variable width columns/height rows
> (interactively resizable), scrollbar support, tag styles per row,
> column or cell, in-cell editing, works on UNIX, Windows and MacIntosh,
> Unicode support with Tk 8.1 and above.
> Available Packages
> Name   : cobbler
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 1.6.6
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 921 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Boot server configurator
> Description:
> Cobbler is a network install server.  Cobbler
> supports PXE, virtualized installs, and
> reinstalling existing Linux machines.  The last two
> modes use a helper tool, 'koan', that
> integrates with cobbler.  Cobbler's advanced features
> include importing distributions from DVDs and rsync
> mirrors, kickstart templating, integrated yum
> mirroring, and built-in DHCP/DNS/power Management.  Cobbler has
> a Python and XMLRPC API for integration with other
> applications.  There is also a web interface.
> Name   : ebtables
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 2.0.8
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 93 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Ethernet Bridge frame table administration tool
> Description:
> Ethernet bridge tables is a firewalling tool to transparently filter
> network traffic passing a bridge. The filtering possibilities are
> limited to link layer filtering and some basic filtering on higher
> network layers.
> This tool is the userspace control for the bridge and ebtables kernel
> components (built by default in Fedora Core kernels).
> The ebtables tool can be used together with the other Linux filtering
> tools, like iptables. There are no known incompatibility issues.
> Name   : iptables-devel
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 1.3.5
> Release: 1.2.1
> Size   : 45 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: Development package for iptables.
> Description:
> The iptables utility controls the network packet filtering code in the
> Linux kernel. If you need to set up firewalls and/or IP masquerading,
> you should install this package.
> Name   : perl-Class-Data-Inheritable
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.06
> Release: 2.el5
> Size   : 8.6 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Inheritable, overridable class data
> Description:
> Class::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators to
> class data. That is, if you want to store something about your
> class as a whole (instead of about a single object). This data
> is then inherited by your subclasses and can be overriden.
> Name   : perl-Digest-BubbleBabble
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.01
> Release: 6.el5
> Size   : 8.5 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Create bubble-babble fingerprints
> Description:
> Digest::BubbleBabble takes a message digest (generated by either of
> the MD5 or SHA-1 message digest algorithms) and creates a fingerprint
> of that digest in "bubble babble" format. Bubble babble is a method
> of representing a message digest as a string of "real" words, to make
> the fingerprint easier to remember. The "words" are not necessarily
> real words, but they look more like words than a string of hex
> characters.
> Bubble babble fingerprinting is used by the SSH2 suite (and,
> consequently, by Net::SSH::Perl, the Perl SSH implementation) to
> display easy-to-remember key fingerprints. The key (a DSA or RSA key)
> is converted into a textual form, digested using Digest::SHA1, and
> run through bubblebabble to create the key fingerprint.
> Name   : perl-HTML-Table
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 2.05
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 27 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Create HTML tables using simple interface
> Description:
> HTML::Table is used to generate HTML tables for CGI scripts.  By
> using the methods provided fairly complex tables can be created,
> manipulated, then printed from Perl scripts.  The module also greatly
> simplifies creating tables within tables from Perl.  It is possible
> to create an entire table using the methods provided and never use an
> HTML tag.
> HTML::Table also allows for creating dynamically sized tables via its
> addRow and addCol methods.  These methods automatically resize the
> table if passed more cell values than will fit in the current table
> grid.
> Methods are provided for nearly all valid table, row, and cell tags
> specified for HTML 3.0.
> Name   : perl-HTML-TableExtract
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 2.10
> Release: 2.el5
> Size   : 32 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: A Perl module for extracting content in HTML tables
> Description:
> HTML::TableExtract is a module that simplifies the extraction of
> information contained in tables within HTML documents.
> Tables of note may be specified using Headers, Depth, Count,
> Attributes, or some combination of the three. See the module
> documentation for details.
> Name   : perl-IPC-Shareable
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.60
> Release: 3.el5
> Size   : 39 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Share Perl variables between processes
> Description:
> IPC::Shareable allows you to tie a variable to shared memory making it
> easy to share the contents of that variable with other Perl processes.
> Scalars, arrays, and hashes can be tied.  The variable being tied may
> contain arbitrarily complex data structures - including references to
> arrays, hashes of hashes, etc.
> Name   : perl-Module-Pluggable
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 3.60
> Release: 3.el5
> Size   : 23 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
> Description:
> Provides a simple but, hopefully, extensible way of having 'plugins'
> for your module.
> Name   : perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.003
> Release: 2.el5
> Size   : 20 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
> Description:
> Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable is a Net::DNS::Resolver descendant
> class that allows a virtual DNS to be emulated instead of querying
> the real DNS. A set of static DNS records may be supplied, or
> arbitrary code may be specified as a means for retrieving DNS
> records, or even generating them on the fly.
> Name   : perl-Proc-ProcessTable
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.44
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 47 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Perl extension to access the unix process table
> Description:
> Perl interface to the unix process table.
> Name   : postgresql-table_log
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.4.4
> Release: 3.el5
> Size   : 21 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Log data changes in a PostgreSQL table
> Description:
> table_log is a set of functions to log changes on a table in
> PostgreSQL and to restore the state of the table or a specific row on
> any time in the past.
> Name   : python-peak-util-assembler
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.5
> Release: 1.el5
> Size   : 69 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
> Description:
> peak.util.assembler is a simple bytecode assembler module that
> handles most low-level bytecode generation details like jump offsets,
> stack size tracking, line number table generation, constant and
> variable name index tracking, etc. That way, you can focus your
> attention on the desired semantics of your bytecode instead of on
> these mechanical issues.
> In addition to a low-level opcode-oriented API for directly
> generating specific Python bytecodes, this module also offers an
> extensible mini-AST framework for generating code from high-level
> specifications.  This framework does most of the work needed to
> transform tree-like structures into linear bytecode instructions, and
> includes the ability to do compile-time constant folding.
> Name   : python-text_table
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.02
> Release: 2.el5
> Size   : 8.0 k
> Repo   : extras
> Summary: Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
> Description:
> This module provides an interface to output simple ASCII tables.  It
> is based on the perl module Text::SimpleTable.
> Name   : scim-tables
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 358 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM Generic Table IMEngine
> Description:
> This package contains the Generic Table IMEngine for SCIM.
> Name   : scim-tables-additional
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 18 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: Other miscellaneous SCIM tables
> Description:
> This package contains some miscellaneous scim-tables.
> Name   : scim-tables-amharic
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 10 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Amharic
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Amharic input.
> Name   : scim-tables-arabic
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 7.7 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Arabic
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Chinese input.
> Name   : scim-tables-chinese
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 6.2 M
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Chinese
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Chinese input.
> Name   : scim-tables-nepali
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 9.3 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Nepali input.
> Name   : scim-tables-russian
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 7.8 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Russian
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Russian input.
> Name   : scim-tables-thai
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 8.3 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Thai
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Thai input.
> Name   : scim-tables-vietnamese
> Arch   : ppc
> Version: 0.5.6
> Release: 7
> Size   : 9.2 k
> Repo   : base
> Summary: SCIM tables for Vietnamese
> Description:
> This package contains scim-tables files for Vietnamese input.
> Name   : thaifonts-scalable
> Arch   : noarch
> Version: 0.4.9
> Release: 3
> Size   : 2.4 M
> Repo   : base
> Summary: A collection of scalable Thai fonts
> Description:
> This package collects scalable Thai fonts available in free licenses.
> Thai scalable fonts included here are:
> - Kinnari, Garuda and Norasi from the National Font project
> - DB Thai Text from DearBook
> - TlwgMono, PseudoMono, Purisa by TLWG
> Name   : xulrunner-devel-unstable
> Arch   : ppc
> Version:
> Release: 1
> Size   : 3.6 M
> Repo   : updates
> Summary: Development files for Gecko, which are not considered stable
> Description:
> Unstable files for use with development of Gecko applications.  These
> headers are not frozen and APIs can change at any time, so should not
> be relied on.
> [r...@arakus aguila]#
> The results above are quite revealing.  Not only does yum tell me, in
> the Repo field whether a package is installed on my computer, it also
> tells me that there are packages available for me to install on the
> servers (on the Web and external to my computer).  It also explains
> to me what these packages are and what they do.
> Now a bit more of how yum works.  The instructions yum follows, in
> what servers to look and examine, are defined and determined in the
> files within yum.repos.d.  Explained differently:  The packages/rpms
> are located on the servers; the files in yum.repos.d tell yum the
> locations of the servers on the web.
> I hope this is clearer.  If not, please consider joining the
> Yellowdog Community Board located here: http://yellowdog-board.com/
> or other recently announced support which I'll repeat here:
> From: Bonnie Gosler <bgos...@us.fixstars.com>
> To: yellowdog-general@lists.fixstars.com
> Subject: [ydl-gen] A new way to connect with YDL, on Facebook and
> Twitter! - Announcement - August 18, 2009
> Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 10:38:19 -0600
> Reply-To: Discussion List for Yellow Dog Linux User Topics
>  <yellowdog-general@lists.fixstars.com>
> Sender: yellowdog-general-boun...@lists.fixstars.com
> User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090116)
> Organization: Fixstars Solutions
> Yellow Dog Enthusiasts,
> Find us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-date with YDL releases,
> promotions and to connect with other Yellow Dog lovers.
> Visit our new social networking page on our website to connect:
> http://us.fixstars.com/products/ydl/social.shtml
> Check out the Yellow Dog Linux page on Facebook:
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Yellow-Dog-Linux/13436980903
> Follow Yellow Dog Linux on Twitter:
> http://twitter.com/yellowdoglinux
> - The YDL Team
> _______________________________________________
> Good Luck...
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 21:59:17 -0500
> Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <dlu...@okay.com.mx> wrote:
> > Le mercredi 26 août 2009 16:51:29, Derick Centeno a écrit :
> > > Saludos Luis!
> > >
> > > Un abraso desde un Borinqueño celebrando la belleza de La Vida con
> > > usted y amistades!
> > >
> > > Ok.  In answer to your question it is best to access a public
> > > server close to your country so that the download is bearable.
> > > Two ways to get this done.  Modify yum so that it points to those
> > > servers, and let it do the work for you (finding all the
> > > dependencies, etc.) or you can download the package directly from
> > > the public server yourself.
> > >
> > > First option:  modifying yum.  Yum has gone through some changes
> > > over time but if you follow the instructions posted here you
> > > should be ok. Here's the link:
> > >
> > > http://us.fixstars.com/support/solutions/ydl_6.x/yum.shtml/
> > >
> > > The information there is compressed so it is easy to miss.  The
> > > reference regarding yum.repos.d for instance means that within
> > > /etc (the etc directory) you should find /yum.repos.d (the
> > > yum.repos.d directory).  Within /yum.repos.d should be the other
> > > files including yellowdog-base.repo.  Each distinct file must
> > > point to the correct public server; this means that the
> > > directories listed in each file must exactly reflect the actual
> > > directories on the public server which you want yum to access.
> > > Following this method, if you are going to add a server in each
> > > file, you must of course, write into each file that server's
> > > directory structure for ydl 6.1 correctly -- a total of three
> > > times.
> > >
> > > The old way modify yum to do the same thing is to modify yum.conf
> > > which is also within /etc.  You still have to write the directory
> > > out correctly three times, but this time you are only modifying
> > > yum.conf -- one file.  The only thing you save may be your temper
> > > and maybe avoid writer's cramp.  Which method you choose is up to
> > > you, but the current way of doing it -- the harder way --
> > > actually helps keep yum secure, although explaining how is beyond
> > > this note.
> > >
> > > I'm going to imagine that you understand this and present to you a
> > > link to where you can find public servers for ydl.  They are here:
> > >
> > > http://us.fixstars.com/support/downloads/
> > >
> > > Scroll down that page and you'll see the available public mirrors.
> > > I recommend you view/visit the public mirror you think you will
> > > use and learn how it's set up for yellowdog first before you
> > > decide to modify yum.  Work on yum after you have a clear idea of
> > > how the directories are ordered within that server for ydl 6.1.
> > > Keep in mind that although different versions of ydl are ordered
> > > the same within one server -- different servers may have
> > > different directory structures/order in which ydl 6.1 resides.
> > >
> > > I'm going to imagine that all the above has been done and you are
> > > ready for yum to find and install Blender for you.  How do you do
> > > that?  Here is the really simple part, after you endured all
> > > the above:
> > >
> > > #yum install "*blender*"
> > >
> > > That's it!  Really.  Te le judo!  I promise you.  Ironic, isn't
> > > it?
> > >
> > > The * are wildcards which tells yum to find any other package of
> > > software associated with blender.  Yum will find them and sort out
> > > all their dependencies and blender's dependencies at the same
> > > time. The result will be studio quality software on your ydl
> > > box.  Just so you get the feeling you are actually doing
> > > something -- after all yum did the real work anyway -- I would
> > > recommend a decent text which uses and discusses blender in some
> > > length.  Towards that end I recommend two books by Norman Lin,
> > > they are: Linux 3D Graphics Programming and Advanced Linux 3D
> > > Graphics Programming.
> > >
> > > Without yum, you'll be downloading Blender components and
> > > dependencies and dependencies of those dependencies one at a time
> > > and you will risk missing something.  Just thought I'd let you
> > > know both that the "easy" and "hard" way in reference to Blender
> > > is a matter of interpretation, but if I were you I'd get to work
> > > with a Corona or Dos XX on the side and get yum ready to search
> > > and download from various servers.
> > >
> > > As for me, I don't have a preference; I enjoy them both. One day
> > > one, then I swap and do the other some days later.  I refer to
> > > Dos XX and Corona, of course.
> > >
> > > Buena Suerte y recuerdas a engosarse algún tiempo...
> > >
> > > On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:32:00 -0500
> > >
> > > Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <dlu...@okay.com.mx> wrote:
> > > > Hi @ll,
> > > >
> > > > I wonder if anyone has the blender rpm for yd6.1
> > > >
> > > > TIA
> > > >
> > > > LD
> >
> > Many thanx
> >
> > the fact is that blender rpm is not available in repos. Look:
> > [r...@ps3 yum.repos.d]# yum list|grep -i blender
> > [r...@ps3 yum.repos.d]#
> >
> >
> > Is there any other repos other than base, update and extra?
> >
> > Thanx
> >
> > LD
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