Le mercredi 26 août 2009 16:51:29, Derick Centeno a écrit :
> Saludos Luis!
> Un abraso desde un Borinqueño celebrando la belleza de La Vida con
> usted y amistades!
> Ok.  In answer to your question it is best to access a public server
> close to your country so that the download is bearable.  Two ways to
> get this done.  Modify yum so that it points to those servers, and
> let it do the work for you (finding all the dependencies, etc.) or
> you can download the package directly from the public server yourself.
> First option:  modifying yum.  Yum has gone through some changes over
> time but if you follow the instructions posted here you should be ok.
> Here's the link:
> http://us.fixstars.com/support/solutions/ydl_6.x/yum.shtml/
> The information there is compressed so it is easy to miss.  The
> reference regarding yum.repos.d for instance means that within
> /etc (the etc directory) you should find /yum.repos.d (the yum.repos.d
> directory).  Within /yum.repos.d should be the other files
> including yellowdog-base.repo.  Each distinct file must point to the
> correct public server; this means that the directories listed in
> each file must exactly reflect the actual directories on the
> public server which you want yum to access.  Following this method,
> if you are going to add a server in each file, you must of course,
> write into each file that server's directory structure for ydl 6.1
> correctly -- a total of three times.
> The old way modify yum to do the same thing is to modify yum.conf
> which is also within /etc.  You still have to write the directory out
> correctly three times, but this time you are only modifying yum.conf
> -- one file.  The only thing you save may be your temper and
> maybe avoid writer's cramp.  Which method you choose is up to you,
> but the current way of doing it -- the harder way -- actually helps
> keep yum secure, although explaining how is beyond this note.
> I'm going to imagine that you understand this and present to you a
> link to where you can find public servers for ydl.  They are here:
> http://us.fixstars.com/support/downloads/
> Scroll down that page and you'll see the available public mirrors.
> I recommend you view/visit the public mirror you think you will use
> and learn how it's set up for yellowdog first before you decide to
> modify yum.  Work on yum after you have a clear idea of how the
> directories are ordered within that server for ydl 6.1.  Keep in mind
> that although different versions of ydl are ordered the same within
> one server -- different servers may have different directory
> structures/order in which ydl 6.1 resides.
> I'm going to imagine that all the above has been done and you are
> ready for yum to find and install Blender for you.  How do you do
> that?  Here is the really simple part, after you endured all
> the above:
> #yum install "*blender*"
> That's it!  Really.  Te le judo!  I promise you.  Ironic, isn't it?
> The * are wildcards which tells yum to find any other package of
> software associated with blender.  Yum will find them and sort out
> all their dependencies and blender's dependencies at the same time.
> The result will be studio quality software on your ydl box.  Just so
> you get the feeling you are actually doing something -- after all yum
> did the real work anyway -- I would recommend a decent text which
> uses and discusses blender in some length.  Towards that end I
> recommend two books by Norman Lin, they are:
> Linux 3D Graphics Programming and Advanced Linux 3D Graphics
> Programming.
> Without yum, you'll be downloading Blender components and
> dependencies and dependencies of those dependencies one at a time and
> you will risk missing something.  Just thought I'd let you know both
> that the "easy" and "hard" way in reference to Blender is a matter of
> interpretation, but if I were you I'd get to work with a Corona or
> Dos XX on the side and get yum ready to search and download from
> various servers.
> As for me, I don't have a preference; I enjoy them both. One day one,
> then I swap and do the other some days later.  I refer to Dos XX and
> Corona, of course.
> Buena Suerte y recuerdas a engosarse algún tiempo...
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:32:00 -0500
> Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <dlu...@okay.com.mx> wrote:
> > Hi @ll,
> >
> > I wonder if anyone has the blender rpm for yd6.1
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > LD
Many thanx

the fact is that blender rpm is not available in repos. Look:
[r...@ps3 yum.repos.d]# yum list|grep -i blender
[r...@ps3 yum.repos.d]#

Is there any other repos other than base, update and extra?


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