
I'd like to be able install packages using smart within an SDK
environment (much like [1]; @Erik, did you find a solution?).

I stumbled on two questions in looking into this.

1. Why does the nativesdk version of smart get wrapped with these
environment variables, 'RPM_USRLIBRPM', 'RPM_ETCRPM', and
'RPM_LOCALEDIRRPM'?  As per [2], the RPM utilities themselves are
already wrapped.  It might be nice to specify the '--data-dir'
argument to smart with a create_cmdline_wrapper instead.

2. Why does the smart configuration data get removed during SDK
creation?  In particular, the self.target_pm.remove_packaging_data
line in meta/lib/oe/sdk.py.

[1] https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2015-March/024152.html

Thanks for any advice!
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