
To give you more detail,I am trying to add gstreamer-1.0 support in
framework which is already having gstreamer-0.10.
Now gstreamer binaries are built in Intel 80386 32 bit format,while my
machine is amd,64 bit.So what i am doing i am configuring
and compiling the gstreamer plugin packages on ubuntu and copy the whole
source from there,after that i am doing do_install
in my recipe.In my recipe i have set noexec=1 for
do_fetch,do_configure,do_compile.It is able to install binaries in
image/usr/lib and sysroot folder according to what i write in do_install
but in installing the binaries to final image it is giving these errors:

i hope what i am doing above is right.

In log.do_rootfs file i am getting below error:

ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command  returned 255:

update-alternatives: Error: not linking /rootfs//bin/bash to
/bin/busybox.nosuid since rootfs//bin/bash exists and is not a link

What changes i should do in recipe file in order to overcome these errors.

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