On 1 September 2016 at 13:21, Herman van Hazendonk <m...@herrie.org> wrote:

> Hi Pietro,
> You can override the recipe by adding a recipe for version 3.0.0+ in your
> own layer and making sure your layer has a higher priority in
> bblayers.conf. See for example what we do in our project:
> https://github.com/webOS-ports/webos-ports-setup/blob/testin
> g/conf/bblayers.conf
> openembedded-core provides ofono 1.1.7 for example with
> https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core/tree/
> krogoth/meta/recipes-connectivity/ofono
> However we want to use ANOTHER version of ofono (1.1.7 based, but from a
> different repo/project).
> So we have our own .bbappend at https://github.com/webOS-ports
> /meta-webos-ports/blob/krogoth/meta-luneos/recipes-connectiv
> ity/ofono/ofono_git.bbappend where we specify the different repo etc to
> use.
> This doesn't apply 1:1 in your case, but you could simply add a
> protobuf_3.0.0.bb in your own layer and it should build that instead.
> Just make sure you have your layer at a higher position compared to
> meta-openembedded in your bblayers.conf

In the normal case (a simple upgrade to the newest version) the best choice
would be to send a upgrade patch to openembedded-devel list: that way you
never have to maintain it in your own layer.

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