Since I have attacked it from a Yoko perspective, I have created a full-blown (or rather half-blown, since its not yet complete) ssl transport plugin. This means that Yoko creates the SSL sockets using a specified configuration.

In Yoko, the existing IIOP transport is implemented as a plugin. The IIOP transport can be configured globally. In addition, it is possible to create a POAManager with a specific EndpointPolicy.

The SSL transport plugin should be configured similarly:

SSLEndpointConfig cfg = new SSLEndpointConfig();
// ... additional endpoint configuration

EndpointConfigurationPolicy policy = new EndpointConfigurationPolicy(cfg.toConfigString());
Policy[] policies = new Policy[] {policy};

POA rootPoa = ...
Policy[] poaPolicy = ...

POAManager poaManager = managerFac.create_POAManager("name", policies);
POA poa rootPoa.create_POA("SSLEnabledPOA", poaManager, poaPolicy);

I will also create a way to define endpoint configuration globally for the ORB.

Would this work for Geronimo? I think it is preferable that sockets are created by the ORB. In any case, I definitely think we should to be able to do SSL without Geronimo.

I have not yet figured out how to do key management.

Additionally, we have some portable interceptors from the Trifork ORB. I'm not exactly into what they are doing yet, except they handle security stuff above the transport level. They are fully portable, so perhaps we can make use of them. I'll check them into the repo later today.

Best regards,

Rick McGuire wrote:
Whoa, we really need to be careful we don't make any duplicate work here. I have already spent some efforts on figuring out whats needed on Yoko's part. I have started implementing SSL transport in a seperate plugin though. Perhaps we should coordinate our efforts.

Sounds good to me. At this point, you certainly understand how the current Yoko code works, and I've got a very good understanding of what Geronimo requires. I've gotten as far as figuring out what this plugin needs to look like from the Geronimo standpoint. Basically, the Acceptor_impl and Connector_impl classes implemented calls to the plugin wherever it was necessary to create a Socket or ServerSocket. Here's the default plugin code I came up with for when nothing has been overridden:

// **********************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006
// IONA Technologies PLC
// Dublin, Ireland and Waltham, MA, USA
// All Rights Reserved
// Licensed to apache under Apache 2.0 License - 2006
// **********************************************************************

package org.apache.yoko.orb.OCI.IIOP;


import org.omg.CORBA.Policy[];
import org.omg.IOP.IOR;

public class DefaultSSLHelper implements SSLHelper {
   public void init(String[] parms) {
       // no initializer parameters required by this version.

public Socket createSocket(IOR ior, Policy[] policies, InetAddress address, int port) throws IOException, ConnectException {
       return new Socket(address, port);

public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port, int backlog, boolean sll) throws IOException, ConnectException {
       if (ssl) {
return SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(port, backlog);
       else {
           return new ServerSocket(port, backlog);

public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress address, boolean ssl) throws IOException, ConnectException {
       if (ssl) {
return SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault().createServerSocket(port, backlog, address);
       else {
           return new ServerSocket(port, backlog, address);

The server SLL configuration is specified as a transport plugin property set up by the ORB instantiator, the client socket configuration decision is made using the information encoded in the ior (which requires the use of Geronimo stored information).
There are a couple of issues I haven't addressed yet in what I've done:

1) How the loading of the plugin gets specified when the ORB is initialized (and the loading process itself). In particular, the Geronimo version of this plugin is going to need to pass at least one initialization argument in to the plugin so it can reestablish a connection to the configuration information for the ORB instance. 2) The Acceptor_impl class has a bit of code that does a "connect to self" operation. In this situation, the client socket configuration is determined by the server socket configuration, but another callback is required in the plugin so that the socket gets created using Geronimo's socket factories. 3) Geronimo is going to need to be able to retrieve access to the used socket in a ServerRequestInterceptor so it has access to the SSL session information. For both the Sun and IBM ORBs, this is done using an extended version of the ServerRequestInfo class (which is admittedly, non portable). For example, here's a snippet from the Sun version:

   public void receive_request_service_contexts(ServerRequestInfo ri) {

       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Looking for SSL Session");

       RequestInfoExt riExt = (RequestInfoExt) ri;
       Connection connection = riExt.connection();
       if (connection != null) {
           Socket socket = connection.getSocket();
           if (socket instanceof SSLSocket) {
               if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found SSL Session");
               SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) socket;

SSLSessionManager.setSSLSession(ri.request_id(), sslSocket.getSession());


Best regards,

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