On Thursday 01 February 2007 02:12:10 Tobias Gerschner wrote:
> dooh, and of course to the list :) . A yeah and I triggered one more
> rebuild.
> regards

Aha! Your evil plan to trash my download failed..... I now have my copy of 
Yos-weekly-5 purring away ;)  

Initial comments -
I decided to leave my old /home partition and the installer gave me the option 
and didn't trash the data.

A very minor point - during the section of the install where you choose root 
password etc, a lot of the code which runs in the background is visible 
breaking through the otherwise plain blue background. It doesn't affect 
things, but one of those little touches which makes things look better I 

Yay!!!! The cdrom worked :)
Nice one! I could choose the various packages and get them direct from disk. 

No kernel source on the cd though :(     I noticed lots of other useful stuff 
loading on (presumably because I picked the kde, multimedia and dev 
packages) - like make and gcc, but no kernel source. Not even on the disk. 
Luckily, I had my test iso from last week lying around, so I pinched the 
source off there ;)   But, for others, it could prove a bit of a pain - the 
Yoper repos are not set up in smart by default - only the cdrom (at least, 
thats what I had). It is also a fairly big download. Perhaps the source was 
left off during the testing phase to make the download a little less painful 
for dial up users who don't plan on using the source? 

Other than that - cool!  I saw a few new things this time to play with ;)   I 
may even try out that Beryl thing - just for the excercise. No idea how to do 
it - do I have to follow the stuff from Suse?  

Nice to see Andreys icons back - and the new KDE looks good :)

Overall, so far, impressive :)  And still boots really, really fast!  Miles 
faster than any other distro on this box - even my more minimalistic distros!

Report later :)

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