Hello Mr (or is this  the Mrs?) Skull,
I apologize if my question appeared accusatory- I did not mean that at all.  On 
most of the Zappa related groups I've gone to there are many questions asked in 
jest that appear to be serious (Does Humor belong in an Email group?)  
Sometimes a very esoteric reference will be made just to see what responses it 
will provoke.  
Again, I meant no insult but I was truly wondering if you were serious.
                    Marc (who is also merely a Zappa fan)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: mr_and_mrs_skull 
  To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: Nappy's Fate?

  Again, I've always known him as Napoleon Murphy Brock. Maybe i'm just not hip 
enough to be "in" on this, seeing as how I'm merely a Zappa fan. Don't care 
about ZPZ's, Project Object etc. I just like Frank and what he did so I may be 
a bit of a clueless outsider.
    Are you serious about this question?  
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: mr_and_mrs_skull 
      To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
      Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:28 PM
      Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: Nappy's Fate?

      Who the hell is this Nappy person anyhow?
        All I know is that Nappy was origianlly penciled in for this past years 
        tour but something must have happened because he said "he couldn't make 
        a deal with the devil (GZ). That was why they got Ray White.

        --- In Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
        > I read a hint of something not fully explained on a web site saying 
        that the ZFT had done Nappy wrong - could someone possibly clue me in?
        > Concerned for Nappy,
        > David
        > See me on MySpace at: www.myspace.com/davidblanglois
        > More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! - 

        For further Z-related fun, please visit http://www.thebignote.com or 
http://www.killuglyradio.com , thank you. 
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