what ever gets you" there" as the saying goes bill.... go for it toolbox and 
..watch though it does not weigh you down on the long haul on your journey to 
the "top of da mountain peak".
..as from there on a clear day you will finally need no toolbox and can throw 
caution to the wind, 
be free and finally breathe without panting, puffing and huffing..
. . and enjoy the view with da third eye...merle


I try to communicate with people on this forum in the way I think would be best 
to reach them.  In Zen that's called 'skillful means'.  I sometimes refer to it 
as 'using all the tools in my toolbox'.

I communicate with Edgar with logic and long exegeses because I believe that is 
the only 'tool' he believes is valid - logic and understanding.  He in my 
opinion is a good example of the saying 'when all you have is a hammer 
everything looks like a nail'.  Logic is his hammer and he want's to apply it 
to everything.  I believe it is an inappropriate tool to apply to zen, 
especially if that's the only tool you use.

I communicate with Anthony with humor because I have seen him respond well to 

I communicate with Kris and Mike using zen metaphors and that seems to work 

I thought Merle, seeing the way she posted and being an artist, would respond 
better to metaphors than to logic and dissertations, but I may have misread 
that one.

Anyway what I want everyone to know is that when I post my long dissertations 
to Edgar it is specifically tailored for and primarily directed at him.  I know 
it's not appropriate for everyone so don't judge me too harshly.  This style is 
certainly not the one I am most comfortable with, but is one I can employ.

If anyone specifically addresses me in a post I will respond.  I will also 
respond to posts in which I'm not addressed if I think I have something to add. 
 When I post I usually address them to someone specific, and use the style I 
think is the best way to communicate to them.  It probably won't suit everyone.

Like I said I have many tools in my toolbox, but am more skillful and 
comfortable with some than others.



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