
The brain, ears etc. all produce sound. These vary greatly from day to day or 
minute to minute. Normally the brain tends to filter these out and ignore them, 
but they are always there.

The ringing in our ears is the sound of something but what? The music of the 
spheres? Quantum processes in our brain? Alien broadcasts? Maybe someday we 
will begin to listen and decipher it....

Likewise the enormously complex and ever changing colored patterns when our 
eyes are closed. What are these images of? They are certainly images of 


On Oct 20, 2012, at 1:56 AM, SURESH JAGADEESAN wrote:

> Bill
> It is not blood pressure. This sound will appear when you are more relaxed. 
> This is certainly not a medical issue.
> I even read Ramana maharishi books he also mention this sound. Also 
> J.Krisnamurti mention about it.
> In olden days a siddha Thirumuler and a siddha Sivavakkiyar also mention 
> about this unstruck dazzaling sound in their poems.
> I understand it as sound of universe. Silence is not silence it is infact 
> sound else how can you produce sound.
> Emptiness of universe is not emptiness, it is consciousness, full of light 
> and sound a base product for all forms that exist in this universe.
> Suresh
> On Oct 20, 2012 5:49 AM, "Bill!" <> wrote:
>    This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( 
> Add cleanup rule | More info 
> Merle and Suresh,
> Ringing in your ears can be a sign of high blood pressure. I don't know if 
> that's the same as hissing or not..Bill!
> --- In, Merle Lester <merlewiitpom@...> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > hi suresh..
> > welcome to this group..we are all kind to each other so you are with good 
> > friends..
> > when you say you mean  you peddle to work?..2 hours each 
> > way...there is plenty of time for zen in this activity..
> > as long as you do not have traffic to consider...what type of work are you 
> > involved with?...and where do you live in the city?
> > 
> > Â i am sorry to hear about your 2 have a lot on your plate
> > 
> > Â in this group there are some very wise people who will give you plenty of 
> > guidance in the zen experience..they are seasoned practitioners!
> > 
> > Â i ask is this hiss sound... are your ears okay... have you had them 
> > checked medically?
> > 
> > Â group..what does this mean the hiss????? ringing in the ears a 
> > medical condition
> > 
> > as joe says it is good if you could some how go to a retreat for even a 
> > couple of days..
> > or find a teacher
> > Â if this is not available for you as your time is so limited i am sure the 
> > group will assist you in any way possible, strengthen your practise and 
> > give you excellent advice
> > Â so i think it goes without saying feel free to ask..
> > as the old saying goes..
> > ask and you will receive knock and the door will open...
> > peace be with you..
> > merle..
> > p.s. are you a male or your name i cannot tell
> > Â  
> > Merly
> > Thanks for your mail.
> > First son is 10 year old and 2nd son is 5 year old. My 2nd son is still 
> > develop speech. 1st son has broken conversation and understanding is poor. 
> > He cannot easily talk to other.
> > I go office by bike. In truth most of the time my mind is occupied in 
> > thoughts and now a days i am practicing to utter god name siva.
> > But i am going through some spiritual experience which is similar to zen. I 
> > hear hiss sound continuously and when alone in room or toilet this sound is 
> > strongly heard which do not obscure outer sound. Iam more alert those time 
> > and no thoughts. This may be you can call buddha nature.
> > Thanks again
> > Suresh
> > On Oct 19, 2012 5:30 PM, "Merle Lester" <merlewiitpom@...> wrote:
> > 
> > This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! (merlewiitpom@...) Add 
> > cleanup rule | More info 
> > >
> > > 
> > >Â  
> > >
> > >
> > >Â 
> > >Â are you new to this list suresh?...i am so sorry to hear about your 
> > > old are they?
> > >my son who is highly intelligent has ocd and clinical depression..he is 35 
> > >now..he was strange as a kiddy...we just thought he would grow out of 
> > >it..the ocd creates anxiety...the anxiety gets out of control and hence 
> > >the depression
> > >it has been an on going struggle as a parent when he became ill with panic 
> > >attacks in early 20's...
> > >Â are you travelling 2 hours in public transport?..this is a good time to 
> > >practise your quiet time..sitting silently..if you are driving a car..then 
> > >concentrate on driving...part of meditation is to do what you are doing 
> > >and that only...doing meditation...being present...
> > >Â of course we here all of us i am sure ask ourselves who we are... as the 
> > >old saying goes..know thy self..( socrates)
> > >i would not call autism mental retardation..there are some surprisingly 
> > >extremely bright and highly gifted people who are autistic
> > >peace be with you
> > >Â merle
> > >
> > >Dear Mr.Bill,
> > >
> > >I understand your explanation. But please note I cannot just sit and
> > >do meditation. I have two children and both are autistic ( a kind of
> > >mental retardation), and hence they wouldn’t allow me to sit for 5
> > >minutes. So I have to be on toes always.
> > >
> > >And I need to work for me and my family to have a better life, what I
> > >mean here is without working I cannot eat even for a single month. So
> > >when one is working from 9 to 6 and travelling
> > time is 2 hours and
> > >moment you reach home, you have kids which need to take for
> > >Occupational therapy, speech therapy etc.,  Even in weekends there are
> > >classes like Music class, Key board class, computer class and skating
> > >class. By the time I finish taking my children to all classes I am
> > >dead tired, but even in bed you cannot sleep so peacefully, because
> > >they have very poor sleep, even for smallest sound, my children will
> > >wake up and they wake me up. So every day one cannot have good sleep
> > >also.
> > >
> > >So in this kind of situation, how can I sit for meditation? You seems
> > >practicing Zen, have you ever reached Buddha nature?
> > >
> > >You said “'I am touching this rock, and there is an 'I' (self) and a
> > >'rock' and they are separate things.'†
> > >
> > >Can you tell me what is this self? Have you ever questioned yourself
> > >‘Who am I‘ .
> > >
> > >The duality is created by you and you want to dissolve it by
> > yourself?
> > >
> > >Can you tell me a technique for a person like me who is totally
> > >occupied in his life and no time to sit silently?
> > >
> > >Best wishes
> > >Suresh
> > >
> > >
> > >On 10/19/12, Bill! <BillSmart@...> wrote:
> > >> This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! (BillSmart@...)
> > >> Add cleanup rule:
> > >>
> > >> More info:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >-- 
> > >Thanks and best regards
> > >J.Suresh
> > >New No.3, Old No.7,
> > >Chamiers road - 1st Lane,
> > >Alwarpet,
> > >Chennai - 600018
> > >Ph: 044 42030947
> > >Mobile: 91 9884071738
> > >
> > >
> > >------------------------------------
> > >
> > >Current Book Discussion: any Zen book that you recently have read or are 
> > >reading! Talk about it today!Yahoo! Groups
> > Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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