On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Don Busch <bus...@ociweb.com> wrote:

> I wrote the paper.  If you'd like to run the tests on a faster box with an RT
> kernel, that would be great.  That's why the source code is attached, and the
> paper encouraged users to build the code and run the tests themselves.

Hi Don, Malcolm,

I have to admit being slightly skeptical at first when reading your
paper, but you've done a really good job of comparing the three
products IMO.  It certainly helps position OpenDDS in this growing
space.  Have you considered that OpenDDS might profitably run over 0MQ
in the future?

It's rare to see vendors make open and reproducible benchmarks with
source code, kudos for that.  Some time ago we started sketching a
standard for benchmarks (http://wiki.amqp.org/spec:5), this might be
worth exhuming and fleshing out.

However I suspect users will want to compare more than just performance.

Pieter Hintjens
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