On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Ronan Guilloux <ronan.guill...@gmail.com>wrote:

> +1 for all that Maxime wrote about.
> But my very first need & tweet was simpler : How to add a set of cronjobs,
> and how to add a PhpUnit test suite into a HelloMvc-like website (cf.
> http://goo.gl/TvXVn) .

Adding cronjobs is easy, but this should be documented or shown in an
> example a day, since it's a common need.

Do you mean, how to setup a cronjob and post-commit hooks ?

What do you think would be zetacomponents-specific about that ?

> I'll try to improve my frenchy
> globish english a write a decent tutorial about that, somehwere, some day.
Yeah I know, we French are the worst English speakers in the world :D

> The main difficult I encountered was to implement PhpUnit easely. Some
> weeks
> ago I crawled the all Zeta Components example apps (here :
> http://goo.gl/Xg828) but I didn't found any app implementing PhpUnit yet.
> PhpUnit doc about bootstrapping was not clear enough to me.

Did you consider Arbit project sources ? It's built upon ZetaComponents and
uses PHPUnit for testing.

I've uploaded the sources of the last app framework i coded with the
components, it uses PHPUnit for testing: https://github.com/jpic/zetamad

but reading the
> UnitTest bootstrap.php file (found here :  http://goo.gl/nH96H) helped a
> lot
> and it finally did the job. Unfortunatly, while UnitTest is listed in the
> official Zeta Components docs, it's a broken link in the official doc (here
> : http://goo.gl/wKHnN).
UnitTest barely wraps around PHPUnit, providing a few features that are
specific to components tests.

Which of its features do you need in your project ?

> Implemeting PhpUnit into Zeta Components needs a tutorial

Did you consider:

The tutorial to install PHPUnit:
The tutorial to writing tests:
The tutorial automating builds:
The tutorial to continuous integration by Arbit:

I'd candidate although i'd need your opinion concerning the following

- do these tutorial contain the informations you are looking for ?
- if not, what other information do you need ?
- if so, why, where and how should the components cover these topics ?



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