>>    - a method that can be used to easily debug the code. ... For example, I 
>> use PersistentObject and I would like
>> to
>>    know why the find query returns me nothing. In the documentation,
>> there's no
>>    clue to that could help me to resolve my probleme. And also, there's no
>> way
>>    to print the $q->getQuery() without hacking PersistentObject. Maybe we
>> must
>>    consider the fact to create a false dependancy to Debug, disabled by
>>    default.

> I have no real proposal to make for debugging helpers, but am interested in
> any that might be given...

Usually logging systems are being used. In this case log4php could
generate warnings if configured. But this would require to depend on
log4php. Of course zeta can provide a mock object which does nothing,
in case log4php classes can not be found. This also will keep up the
speed in production systems

Dependency Injection can be used to inject some kind of a logging
object. But... how many people are there who can use DI? Plain and
simple logging will do the job for most people.

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