Hi everyone,

Thank you for the comments. Unfortunately, we made a decision two years ago
to work with an on-line information system that does not work with Macs. At
the time, the word was that Netscape and IE were moving towards a common
standard that would include the command set used with MIDI-Links. This
hasn't happened and we are paying a price for it. With some of our limited
time and resources, we are working towards a solution to this problem. The
only solution that we presently have for Mac users is a Virtual PC/IE
combination - not satisfying at all but it does work.

Here is the corporate website:
Here is a review of the software: <http://www.emulation.net/windoze/vpc/>
The price is around $300.00. Please continue to complain and we will
continue to find a reasonable solution. This is a high priority issue for us
that we don't have the resources to remedy at the moment.

Jayne Roma
Project Coordinator
Marine Invertebrate Diversity Initiative (MIDI)
phone: 902-426-3587
fax: 902-426-6695
url: http://www.fundyforum.com/MIDI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carolyn Levi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 11:24 AM
> Subject:      Re: (GOMINFOEX) MIDI limitations
> Hi. May I second David's comments and ask that efforts now in planning
> take note? Lack of access for Macs   eliminates me, our library, and many
> of my collegues, as well as many, many schools. 
> Carolyn 
>       I think lack of Netscape support and the inability for ANY Mac
> browser to view MIDI is not acceptable unless you are Bill Gates.  Web
> sites are supposed to be platform and software independant. 
>         Id love to see the database. 
>       "It appears that you are not running Internet Explorer 4 or above.
> This site was designed for IE4 and above, and IE5 and above is strongly
> recommended. 
>       Netscape is not supported. 
>       Macs running IE are also not supported. 
>       " 
>       --  
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- 
>       David Remsen/Information Systems Division 
>       Marine Biological Laboratory 
>       Woods Hole, MA 02543 
>       508 289 7632 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- 
>       Web Administrator / Technical Chair 
>       National Association of Marine Laboratories/www.naml.org 
>       Shark Research Institute/www.sharks.org 
> Carolyn Levi, Ph.D. 
> Curator, East Wing Content 
> New England Aquarium             
> Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110-3399            
> 617/973-5264/ Fax: 617/973-0276 
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