
for whatever it is worth, for me, netscape is a great browser and email manager.  it 
is enormously convenient to have both in one application instead of having to use 
explorer and outlook.  given the
rampant problems with viruses being spread through outlook, netscape is the right 
application for me.  i have only encountered one site that was explorer-specific in 
its presentation but still allowed
me to view and see the information albeit differently.

with the sophisticated website design and management packages today, it seems that the 
browser and platform should not be a factor when viewing organization's sites.  i hope 
that a resolution can be
found for pc and apple holdouts.
Michele L. Tremblay
naturesource communications
PO Box 3019 • Boscawen NH  03303
603.796.2615 • 796.2600 fax

"Torrey R. Sheafe" wrote:

> Hey David,
> Microsoft didn't invent the internet, no, but it seems as though they are
> finding ways to move within interpretation.  The language (like math) is
> black-and-white, but a good deal of problems can be solved in more than one
> way.  A form, for example:  if you want to get certain info from your user
> you have several options for form field types.  In any given circumstance
> there is likely more than one type that will work - but one usually stands
> out as being easiest.  Perhaps this is what IE does - finds a way to
> interpret the html code in an easier manner.
> When they program/build the browser they must tell the browser how to handle
> certain commands - why else would an html command content center on one
> browser but not on another (IE vs. NS)?  When I use Visual Basic to handle a
> form, I have to tell it what to do with the info it receives (html field to
> database field) and in turn how to interpret that info (If X exists, then do
> this.  Else do that.).  The rules of VB do not change, but what you can do
> with VB based on the code you write (application you build) is almost
> limitless.
> So Microsoft then experiments with the language and, within those rules,
> finds new ways to expand the possibilities and to make the existing
> possibilities easier.  Where does this leave NS if they do not do the same?
> I don't think we should limit what leaves a server - this would limit
> development itself.  But it is on Netscape's (or whoever else's) head to
> overcome pride to make developments to keep things somewhat standard. It is
> no small thing, given that no company wants to kow-tow to their biggest
> competitor, but at the same time you do not want to lose customers because
> of an inability to interpret or carry certain resources (things other than
> html, xml, etc) that users have found beneficial.
> We could build a new OS tomorrow that incorporates new technology.  But we
> would also have a responsibility (our success would depend on it) to
> incorporate old technology as well - otherwise everyone would be starting
> from scratch and that pisses people off.  It's a careful balance of forward
> momentum and hindsight;  this could be Microsoft's greatest achievement.
> Another perhaps:  no one else (other than Microsoft) is stampeding through
> Big Ideas, or at the very least those 'Big Ideas' are not becoming a
> standard.  Microsoft has built a name and that makes it easier for
> propagation of ideas.
> Torrey R. Sheafe, Technical Resources Coordinator
> Project SHARE (Salmon Habitat And River Enhancement)
> Little Falls Research Station
> P.O. Box 466
> Cherryfield, ME 04622
> (207) 546-2051 Office/FAX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Remsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 2:35 PM
> Subject: Re: (GOMINFOEX) MIDI limitations
> > What specifically does IE do that Netscape (or a myriad of other web
> browsers) does not do aside from some javascript implementations?
> Microsoft might have lost the anti-trust case legally but it appears they
> did not lose where it matters most.  Is my nice new Mac system next?  The
> web wasnt built for or by Microsoft.  I still don't understand what MIDI
> implements that prevents IIS from being viewed by Netscape or the Mac
> browsers at all.  Whatever leaves an HTTP server should either be HTML, XML,
> or Javascript shouldn't it?
> >
> >
> >
> > >Dear list,
> > >I am current doing a project under similar bounds and I just came to the
> > >realization that Netscape just does not have the compatibility that IE
> has
> > >in terms of web design. I have worked with consultants for some time now
> to
> > >remedy my situation and all have given up. Not having a
> platform-independent
> > >website is very unfortunate especially when an educational database is
> the
> > >project at hand.
> > >
> > >After determining that 97.4 %  of my internet audience is comprised IE 4
> or
> > >5 users, I have let the matter go and will most likely indicate the
> > >incompatibility on my website. Jayne, if you find a solution that will
> > >remedy your situation, I hope you will post it immediately.
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >Torrey R. Sheafe, Technical Resources Coordinator
> > >Project SHARE (Salmon Habitat And River Enhancement)
> > >Little Falls Research Station
> > >P.O. Box 466
> > >Cherryfield, ME 04622
> > >(207) 546-2051 Office/FAX
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: "Roma, Jayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:38 AM
> > >Subject: RE: (GOMINFOEX) MIDI limitations
> > >
> > >
> > >> Hi everyone,
> > >>
> > >> Thank you for the comments. Unfortunately, we made a decision two years
> > >ago
> > >> to work with an on-line information system that does not work with
> Macs.
> > >At
> > >> the time, the word was that Netscape and IE were moving towards a
> common
> > >> standard that would include the command set used with MIDI-Links. This
> > >> hasn't happened and we are paying a price for it. With some of our
> limited
> > >> time and resources, we are working towards a solution to this problem.
> The
> > >> only solution that we presently have for Mac users is a Virtual PC/IE
> > >> combination - not satisfying at all but it does work.
> > >>
> > >> Here is the corporate website:
> > >> <>
> > >> Here is a review of the software:
> <>
> > >>
> > >> The price is around $300.00. Please continue to complain and we will
> > >> continue to find a reasonable solution. This is a high priority issue
> for
> > >us
> > >> that we don't have the resources to remedy at the moment.
> > >>
> > >> Jayne
> > >> Jayne Roma
> > >> Project Coordinator
> > >> Marine Invertebrate Diversity Initiative (MIDI)
> > >> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> phone: 902-426-3587
> > >> fax: 902-426-6695
> > >> url:
> > >>
> > >> > -----Original Message-----
> > >> > From: Carolyn Levi [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > >> > Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 11:24 AM
> > >> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >> > Subject: Re: (GOMINFOEX) MIDI limitations
> > >> >
> > >> > Hi. May I second David's comments and ask that efforts now in
> planning
> > >> > take note? Lack of access for Macs   eliminates me, our library, and
> > >many
> > >> > of my collegues, as well as many, many schools.
> > >> > Carolyn
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > I think lack of Netscape support and the inability for ANY Mac
> > >> > browser to view MIDI is not acceptable unless you are Bill Gates.
> Web
> > >> > sites are supposed to be platform and software independant.
> > >> >
> > >> >   Id love to see the database.
> > >> >
> > >> > "It appears that you are not running Internet Explorer 4 or above.
> > >> > This site was designed for IE4 and above, and IE5 and above is
> strongly
> > >> > recommended.
> > >> >
> > >> > Netscape is not supported.
> > >> >
> > >> > Macs running IE are also not supported.
> > >> > "
> > >> > --
> > >> >
> > >>
> >
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> > >> > -----
> > >> > David Remsen/Information Systems Division
> > >> > Marine Biological Laboratory
> > > > > Woods Hole, MA 02543
> > >> > 508 289 7632
> > >> >
> > >>
> >
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> > >> > -----
> > >> > Web Administrator / Technical Chair
> > >> > National Association of Marine Laboratories/
> > >> > Shark Research Institute/
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > Carolyn Levi, Ph.D.
> > >> > Curator, East Wing Content
> > >> > New England Aquarium
> > >> > Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110-3399
> > >> > 617/973-5264/ Fax: 617/973-0276
> > >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > David Remsen/Information Systems Division
> > Marine Biological Laboratory
> > Woods Hole, MA 02543
> > 508 289 7632
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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