On 5/24/06, Erik Trimble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, our mythical system library (libundelete.so) should support a couple
of generic functions (say:  int safe_unlink(const char *path), and void
empty_recyclebin(const char *path) which look for an ENV variable to
determine if they should recycle or should delete, as appropriate) for
applications to call, and then the library code has to support
implementing this on various FSes.

If it were unlink(3C) rather than unlink(2), an interposer library
could make this functionality generally available.  Surely there must
be a dtrace hack that could redirect calls destined for unlink() to
safe_unlink(), subject to environment information.

I suspect, however, that protecting every file from deletion may be a
bit aggressive.  Consider "here documents" from shell scripts, browser
cache files, compiler temp files, etc.


Mike Gerdts
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