On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 10:09 -0700, eric kustarz wrote:
> > How about it folks - would it be a good idea for me to explore what it 
> > takes to get such a bug/RFE setup implemented for the ZFS community on 
> > OpenSolaris.org?
> what's wrong with http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/index.jsp for 
> finding bugs?
> i think we've been really good about taking reported problems and filing 
> bugs - if others disagree, feel free to speak up.
> I think what you're asking for should be solved at the opensolaris 
> community level (if its not already there) - not specifically for ZFS.
> eric

It is a good start (yes, I know it's an interface to Bugster, just as
the Java one I pointed out is too - in fact, it's probably the same
code).  And, I'm certainly not complaining about how well people have
been taking to and addressing bugs.

However, there are some significant shortcomings with the interface that
need to be fixed. And, yes, this is true w/r/t the OpenSolaris community
as a whole.  Basically, the problem is that the OpenSolaris portal
itself is extremely primitive, and really needs a big overhaul to make
the information we have easily accessible in a coherent manner.

And, in addition, the bug portal isn't really useful for helping manage
external (to Sun) contributors work.  And it doesn't given any real
insight into who's working on what, and what schedules might be.  

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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