On 12/09/06, Celso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the great things about zfs, is that it protects not just against 
mechanical failure, but against silent data corruption. Having this available 
to laptop owners seems to me to be important to making zfs even more attractive.

I'm not arguing against that. I was just saying that *if* this was useful to you
(and you were happy with the dubious resilience/performance benefits) you can
already create mirrors/raidz on a single disk by using partitions as
building blocks.
There's no need to implement the proposal to gain that.

Am I correct in assuming that having say 2 copies of your "documents" 
filesystem means should silent data corruption occur, your data can be reconstructed. So 
that you can leave your os and base applications with 1 copy, but your important data can 
be protected.


Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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