> So recently, i decided to test out some of the ideas i've been toying
> with, and decided to create 50 000 and 100 000 filesystems, the test
> machine was a nice V20Z with dual 1.8 opterons, 4gb ram, connecting a
> scsi 3310 raid array, via two scsi controllers.

I did a similar test a couple of months ago, albeit on a smaller system,
and 'only' 10,000 users. I saw a similar delay at boot time, but also
saw a large amount of memory utilisation.

> So ... how about an automounter? Is this even possible? Does 
> it exist ?

Around the same time, Casper Dik mentioned the possibility of
automounting zfs datasets, as well as the possibility of cool stuff like
*creating* zfs datasets with the automounter.

One thing that hasn't been touched on is how one would back up a system
when some (or most) filesystems are unmounted most of the time.

Is is possible to make a backup and/or take a snapshot of an unmounted
dataset (and if not, is that a future possibility)?

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