On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 11:25:29PM +0800, Jeremy Teo wrote:
> A couple of use cases I was considering off hand:
> 1. Oops i truncated my file
> 2. Oops i saved over my file
> 3. Oops an app corrupted my file.
> 4. Oops i rm -rf the wrong directory.
> All of which can be solved by periodic snapshots, but versioning gives
> us immediacy.

There's been talk of making every transaction a snapshot.

Of course, there'd be no information as to whether a transaction
includes a file close, or truncation, or whatever.

IMO a file versioning API would be good, but file versioning should
normally be invisible, particularly to applications that are not aware
of it (which would be every application to date).

So think about the interfaces first.

I think ls(1) would have to be made version-aware.  And
cp(1)/mv(1)/ln(1).  That would be enough for a start.

Then add find/sfind and tar/star support.

And GNOME support.

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