> Hi Doug,
> I need more information:
> You need /devices and /dev on zfs root to boot.
Right. But can I generate them automatically somehow on the next boot? I have 
followed the instructions that loop-mount / and tar the contents of devices and 
dev and untar them to the root pool. I just want to know if there is an 
alternative way to do it. For example, what if I add some new hardware after I 
have switched to ZFS for my root fs? How will it be added to /devices and /dev? 
Couldn't the same principle be applied to generate all of these directories on 
the first boot off the ZFS root pool?

>   Not sure what you 
> an by 'it doesn't work'?
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. When grub is installed on a ZFS pool (no 
matter if I do installgrub to my c0d0s5 or if I create a ZFS pool on my c0d0s0 
and do installgrub to it) the GRUB menu is not shown. Ever. Just by installing 
GRUB back to a UFS slice makes it work again. This "doesn't work" refers to the 
difficulties with installing GRUB on a ZFS pool and having it work 
successfully. Apparently the only trouble is with the video, as the menu is not 
shown, but the options remain functional (if I remember the order by heart, 
that is). This is a different problem than my panic on boot off the ZFS pool in 
c0d0s5, though.

> What OS version is running on your boot slice
>  (s0)?
>    Is this where your zfs root pool (s5) built from?
None. s0 is a 256MB slice that contains only /boot and to which I did 
installgrub. I did that to be able to freely modify the other slices to 
experiment with several versions of Solaris without impacting other installed 
versions. I wanted to avoid that I deleted one of the root slices and grub went 
down with it so I wouldn't have a bootable disk anymore. Every new update to 
SXCE I overwrite the fs in c0d0s0 with a completely new /boot, from the new 
installation, and redo installgrub with the new stage1 and stage2 I just copied.
Boot goes like this: GRUB uses the menu.lst in c0d0s0 to present the options 
and menu.lst has one root entry for each Solaris version installed, pointing to 
its respective slice. It works for S10U3 in c0d0s3 and for SXCEb65 in c0d0s4 
(UFS) but SXCEb65 in c0d0s5 (ZFS) doesn't.

> nstallgrub new-stage1 new-stage2 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0'
> puts the new grub 
> on c0d0
> (with boot device points to s0) and that should be
> sufficient for your 
> case.
> '-m' overrides MBR, don't need to do it.  Not sure
> the real impact is, 
> but might
> be ok in your case.
It apparently is, as now my MBR has a GRUB stage1 on it and it boots ok, but 
only because I moved c0d0s0 back to UFS. I was just testing to see if it would 
make any difference to the GRUB menu display problem.
> Lin
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