Ok. That helps. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the best way to do this.
I'm going to try to duplicate what you are doing and see how that works out.
I'm going to create 3x 2-way mirrors. I guess I don't really *need* the
raidz at this point. My biggest concern with raidz is getting locked into a
configuration i can't grow out of. I like the idea of adding more 2 way
mirrors to a pool.

On 6/17/07, Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe S wrote:
> I'm playing around with ZFS and want to figure out the best use of my
> 6x 300GB SATA drives. The purpose of the drives is to store all of my
> data at home (video, photos, music, etc). I'm debating between:
> 6x 300GB disks in a single raidz2 pool
> --or--
> 2x (3x 300GB disks in a pool) mirrored
I currently use 4x 2 way mirrors, which for my workload gave the best
performance/capacity ratio.  It probably is the easiest configuration to
expand if required.


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