Joe S wrote:
I'm playing around with ZFS and want to figure out the best use of my 6x 300GB SATA drives. The purpose of the drives is to store all of my data at home (video, photos, music, etc). I'm debating between:

6x 300GB disks in a single raidz2 pool


2x (3x 300GB disks in a pool) mirrored

I've read up a lot on ZFS, but I can't really figure out which is ideal. I know that both ways will work but it seems like the 3 disk strip in a 2 way mirror is the most flexible as far as adding drives. Any help is appreciated.

This is becoming one of the most frequently asked questions.
The good news is that you have options.  The bad news is that
you have options.  Deciding which option is best forces you to
prioritize, and different people value different features.  I've
put together a series of blogs which you might find useful to
help make such decisions (space vs. RAS vs. performance)

 -- richard
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