Sergey Chechelnitskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi All,
> We have a problem running a scientific application dCache on ZFS.
> dCache is a java based software that allows to store huge datasets in
> pools.  One dCache pool consists of two directories pool/data and
> pool/control. The real data goes into pool/data/ For each file in
> pool/data/ the pool/control/ directory contains two small files, one
> is 23 bytes, another one is 989 bytes.  When dcache pool starts it
> consecutively reads all the files in control/ directory.  We run a
> pool on ZFS.
> When we have approx 300,000 files in control/ the pool startup time is
> about 12-15 minutes. When we have approx 350,000 files in control/ the
> pool startup time increases to 70 minutes. If we setup a new zfs pool
> with the smalles possible blocksize and move control/ there the
> startup time decreases to 40 minutes (in case of 350,000 files).  But
> if we run the same pool on XFS the startup time is only 15 minutes.
> Could you suggest to reconfigure ZFS to decrease the startup time.
> When we have approx 400,000 files in control/ we were not able to
> start the pool in 24 hours. UFS did not work either in this case, but
> XFS worked.
> What could be the problem ?  Thank you,

I'm not sure I understand what you're comparing. Is there an XFS
implementation for Solaris that I don't know about?

Are you comparing ZFS on Solaris vs XFS on Linux? If that's the case it
seems there is much more that's different than just the filesystem.

Or alternatively, are you comparing ZFS(Fuse) on Linux with XFS on
Linux? That doesn't seem to make sense since the userspace
implementation will always suffer.

Someone has just mentioned that all of UFS, ZFS and XFS are available on
FreeBSD. Are you using that platform? That information would be useful


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