Well, as is probably obvious I am pretty new to Solaris and don't really
know these tools.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] # ps -f -p 3056
      UID   PID  PPID   C    STIME TTY         TIME CMD
     root  3056  3041   0 12:05:08 pts/1       0:00 zfs create -o quota=131G -o 
reserv=131G -o recsize=8K zpool1/itgroup_001
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # pstack 3056
pstack: cannot examine 3056: unanticipated system error

ANother subscribers says I am out of data with a big zfs patch from a
week or two ago so I am doing updates and will reboot.

On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Mark J Musante wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Paul Raines wrote:
>> zfs create -o quota=131G -o reserv=131G -o recsize=8K zpool1/itgroup_001
>> and this is still running now.  truss on the process shows nothing.  I
>> don't know how to debug it beyond that.  I thought I would ask for any
>> info from this list before I just reboot.
> What does pstack show?
> Regards,
> markm

Paul Raines                email: raines at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 (2301) 13th Street     Charlestown, MA 02129            USA

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