On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Sachin Palav
> Thanks everybody for the replyies.. appreciate all your help.
>  Here is my understanding from all of the above:
>  1. The Configuration of ZFS is on all ZFS disk , so incase of the disk 
> failure there is less chances to loose the configuration for ZFS
>  2. The is no configuration file for ZFS on the Operating System
>  3. Currently there no command that prints the entire configuration of ZFS.

# 3 is not entirely correct - there is no command at this time that
generates output directly usable by other command to re-create zpool
in hand. There *is* command (zpool status), that prints the entire
configuration of zpool.

>  Please correct me if I am in-correct.
>  Thanks
>  Sachin Palav
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