On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 03:51:17PM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:
> UTSL.  compressratio is the ratio of uncompressed bytes to compressed bytes.
> http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/search?q=ZFS_PROP_COMPRESSRATIO&defs=&refs=&path=zfs&hist=&project=%2Fonnv
> IMHO, you will (almost) never get the same number looking at bytes as you
> get from counting blocks.

If I can't use /bin/ls to get an accurate measure of the number of compressed
blocks used (-s) and the original number of uncompressed bytes (-l). What is
a more accurate way to measure these?

As a gedankan experiment, what command(s) can I run to examine a compressed
ZFS filesystem and determine how much space it will require to replicate
to an uncompressed ZFS filesystem? I can add up the file sizes, e.g.,
/bin/ls -lR | grep ^- | nawk '{SUM+=$5}END{print SUM}'
but I would have thought there was a more efficient way using the already
aggregated filesystem metadata via "/bin/df" or "zfs list" and the


Stuart Anderson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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