You can fill up an ext3 filesystem with the following command:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=delme.dat
You can't really fill up a ZFS filesystme that way.  I guess you could, 
but I've never had the patience -- when several GB worth of zeroes takes 
1kb worth of data, then it would take a very long time.

AFAIK, ext3 supports sparse files just like it should -- but it doesn't 
dynamically figure out what to write based on the contents of the file.


Jeremy F. wrote:
> This may be my ignorance, but I thought all modern unix filesystems created 
> sparse files in this way?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:45:03 
> To:Luke Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] Confused by compressratio
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 05:22:03PM -0400, Luke Scharf wrote:
>> Stuart Anderson wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 09:59:48AM -0400, Luke Scharf wrote:
>>>> Stuart Anderson wrote:
>>>>> As an artificial test, I created a filesystem with compression enabled
>>>>> and ran "mkfile 1g" and the reported compressratio for that filesystem
>>>>> is 1.00x even though this 1GB file only uses only 1kB.
>>>> ZFS seems to treat files filled with zeroes as sparse files, regardless 
>>>> of whether or not compression is enabled.  Try "dd if=/dev/urandom 
>>>> of=1g.dat bs=1024 count=1048576" to create a file that won't exhibit 
>>>> this behavior.  Creating this file is a lot slower than writing zeroes 
>>>> (mostly due to the speed of the urandom device), but ZFS won't treat it 
>>>> like a sparse file, and it won't compress very well either.
>>> However, I am still trying to reconcile the compression ratio as
>>> reported by compressratio vs the ratio of file sizes to disk blocks
>>> used (whether or not ZFS is creating sparse files).
>> Can you describe the data you're storing a bit?  Any big disk images?
> Understanding the "mkfile" case would be a start, but the initial filesystem
> that started my confusion is one that has a number of ~50GByte mysql database
> files as well as a number of application code files.
> Here is another simple test to avoid any confusion/bugs related to NULL
> character sequeneces being compressed to nothing versus being treated
> as sparse files. In particular, a 2GByte file full of the output of
> /bin/yes:
>> zfs create export-cit/compress
>> cd /export/compress
>> /bin/df -k .
> Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
> export-cit/compress  1704858624      55 1261199742     1%    /export/compress
>> zfs get compression export-cit/compress
> NAME                 PROPERTY     VALUE                SOURCE
> export-cit/compress  compression  on                   inherited from 
> export-cit
>> /bin/yes | head -1073741824 > yes.dat
>> /bin/ls -ls yes.dat
> 185017 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root     2147483648 Apr 14 15:31 yes.dat
>> /bin/df -k .
> Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
> export-cit/compress  1704858624   92563 1261107232     1%    /export/compress
>> zfs get compressratio export-cit/compress
> NAME                 PROPERTY       VALUE                SOURCE
> export-cit/compress  compressratio  28.39x               -
> So compressratio reports 28.39, but the ratio of file size to used disk for
> the only regular file on this filesystem, i.e., excluding the initial 55kB
> allocated for the "empty" filesystem is:
> 2147483648 / (185017 * 512) = 22.67
> Calculated another way from "zfs list" for the entire filesystem:
>> zfs list /export/compress
> export-cit/compress  90.4M  1.17T  90.4M  /export/compress
> is 2GB/90.4M = 2048 / 90.4 = 22.65
> That still leaves me puzzled what the precise definition of compressratio is?
> Thanks.
> ---
> Stuart Anderson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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