On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 01:37:43PM -0400, Luke Scharf wrote:
> >>>zfs list /export/compress
> >>>    
> >>>      
> >>NAME                  USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> >>export-cit/compress  90.4M  1.17T  90.4M  /export/compress
> >>
> >>is 2GB/90.4M = 2048 / 90.4 = 22.65
> >>
> >>
> >>That still leaves me puzzled what the precise definition of compressratio 
> >>is?
> >>    
> My guess is that the compressratio doesn't include any of those runs of 
> null characaters that weren't actually written to the disk.

This test was done with a file created with via "/bin/yes | head", i.e.,
it does not have any null characters specifically for this possibility.

Stuart Anderson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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