@Max: I've not tried this with other file systems, and not with multiple dd 
commands at the same time with raw disks. I suppose this is not possible to do 
with my disks which are currently part of this RAIDZ1 vdev in the pool without 
corrupting data? I'll assume not.

@Rob: OK, let's assume that, like you say, it's not a ZFS issue, but in fact a 
drive, firmware etc issue. That said, where should I create a new thread -- in 
storage-discuss ? I will refer to these 2 threads here for all the gory details 

If this can be proven to be a disk problem then I want to return them under 
warranty and get some different ones. Normally these disks have absolutely 
excellent user feedback on newegg.com, so I'm quite surprised if the disks are 
ALL bad.

I wonder if, in fact, there could be some issue between the motherboard's BIOS 
and the drives, or is this not possible? The motherboard is an "Asus M2N-SLI 
Deluxe" and it uses an NVidia controller (MCP 55?) which is part of the NVidia 
570 SLI chipset, again not exactly an exotic, unused chipset.

If it's possible for the BIOS to affect the disk interface then I have seen 
that a new BIOS is available, which I could try.

Also I could update to snv_b87, which is the latest one, although I first saw 
this problem with that build (87), so the OS upgrade might not help.
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