[forget the BUI forum, e-mail works better, IMHO]

Simon Breden wrote:
> Thanks a lot Richard. To give a bit more info, I've copied my 
> /var/adm/messages from booting up the machine:

I don't see any major issues related to this problem in the messages.

> And @picker: I guess the 35 requests are stacked up waiting for the hanging 
> request to be serviced?

The 35 iops are queued in the device driver waiting to be sent to the
device (wait).  The iops queued to the device is in the active queue

> The question I have is where do I go from now, to get some more info on what 
> is causing cp to have problems.

As your later mdb test confirmed, ZFS is patiently waiting on an I/O
to complete.  Solaris has sent that I/O to a device and hasn't heard a
reply yet.  By default, the sd driver will retry every 60 seconds, and
eventually fail the I/O which will bounce back up to ZFS as an I/O
error.  Please double check your drive firmware.
 -- richard

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