Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Sat, 17 May 2008, James C. McPherson wrote:
>> Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>>> On Fri, 16 May 2008, James C. McPherson wrote:
>>>>> 3) I've read that it's best practice to create the RAID set utilizing
>>>>> Hardware RAID utilities vice using ZFS raidz.  Any wisdom on this?
>>>> You've got a whacking great cache in the ST2540, so you might as
>>>> well make use of it.
>> Hi Bob,
>> You've made an assumption about what I wrote. That assumption
>> is incorrect. Kenny, in addition, did not say that he was or
> My assumption based on your "You've got a whacking great cache in the 
> ST2540, so you might as well make use of it." was that it was intended 
> to imply that if the Hardware RAID utilities were not used that the 
> 2540's NV write-cache would not be available/useful.

Indeed. And there is absolutely no justification for that assumption.
I had hoped that the following sentence suggesting a perusal of the
Best Practices would have made it clear that it is indeed possible
(I would say, recommended) to maximise the usage of a cache and ZFS'
specific design features.

>> I am also quite well aware of the design and behaviour of the
>> raid engine in the ST2530.
> Since there seems to be no specification of the internal architecture of 
> the 2530 and 2540 (quite odd for a Sun product!), perhaps you can create 
> a whitepaper which describes this architecture so that Sun customers can 
> better understand how to use the product.

I'm not the person to do that, but I will forward your suggestion
on to somebody who is better placed to do so.

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems
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