Robert Milkowski wrote:
> Hello Krutibas,
> Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 10:43:03 AM, you wrote:
> KB> On x64 Solaris 10, the default setting of mpxio was :
> KB> mpxio-disable="no";
> KB> I changed it to
> KB> mpxio-disable="yes";
> KB> and rebooted the machine and it detected 24 drives.
> Originally you wanted to get it multipathed which was the case by
> default. Now you have disabled it (well, you still have to paths but
> no automatic failover).
Thanks. Can somebody point me to some documentation  on this ?
I wanted to see 24 drives so that I can use load sharing between
two controllers (C1Disk1, C2Disk2, C1Disk3, C2Disk4...) for

If I enable multipathing, would the drive do automatic load balancing
(sharing) between the two controllers ?

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