Marc Bevand wrote:
> Kyle McDonald <KMcDonald <at> Egenera.COM> writes:
>> Marc Bevand wrote:
>>> Overall, like you I am frustrated by the lack of non-RAID inexpensive
>>> native PCI-E SATA controllers.
>> Why non-raid? Is it cost?
> Primarily cost, reliability (less complex hw = less hw that can fail),
> and serviceability (no need to rebuy the exact same raid card model
> when it fails, any SATA controller will do).
> If you want good write performance, instead of adding N GB of cache memory
> to a disk controller, add N*5 or N*10 GB of system memory (DDR2 is maybe
> 1/5th or 1/10th cheaper per GB, and the OS already uses main memory to
> cache disk writes).
I've already maxed the machines out with 16GB. The RAID cache seemed the 
next step, and still cheaper than a SSD ZIL device. Though that I think 
would be the next step.

Since NFS is the primary way I intend to use this, the the battery 
backed RAM allows the sync requests to return much sooner than straight 
JBOD would.
At least that's my understanding.


> -marc
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