On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 13:05, Glaser, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could I trouble you for the x86 package? I don't seem to have much in the way 
> of software on this try-n-buy system...
No problem.  Packages are posted at
http://will.incorrige.us/solaris-packages/ .  You'll need gettext and
iconv as well as netcat, as it links against libiconv.  Download the
gzip files, decompress them with gzip -d, then pkgtrans $packagefile
$tempdir and run pkgadd -d $tempdir.  Files will be installed in the
/usr/site hierarchy.  The executable is called "netcat", not "nc",
because that's what it builds as by default.  I believe I got all the
dependencies, but if not I'll be glad to post whatever is missing as

If you'd rather have spec files and sources (which you can assemble
with pkgbuild) than binaries, I can provide those instead.

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